Here's What to Do After Finding Your Buyer Persona - Social Media Explorer
Here’s What to Do After Finding Your Buyer Persona
Here’s What to Do After Finding Your Buyer Persona

Adele Revella returns to share her insights on where to go after the buyer persona is established. Revella, the CEO of the Buyer Persona Institute, has made it her mission to offer companies unique perspectives and insight into their potential buyer and has helped countless entrepreneurs and big brands succeed in marketing.

In this podcast, she returns to discuss where to go after the buyer persona is made, and what to do with your new found knowledge.

As a refresher, Revella reminds companies that a persona is different from the target consumer identification. Instead, the buyer persona is the example that lets a company understand their consumers, their influences, and what turns them off from purchasing a product or service.

The Essentials to a Buyer Persona

Before using a newly minted buyer persona, it is important that all of the essentials be included, such as:

  • How a customer makes their decision
  • When a buyer makes up their mind to purchase
  • The motivation that prompted the buyer to look for a product or service from the start

Distributing Personas to Staff is Not the Proper Way to Utilize a Persona

After a persona is created, Revella points out that most companies make the mistake of distributing that persona to team members. However, a persona is not going to change an organization’s behavior, and employees are not going to sell successfully, while customers will not buy, just because the persona is well-known on the inside.

Instead, she suggests a much different approach by starting with content strategy, messages, and creating more pointed advertisements based on what was discovered in the persona generating process.

Listen to the podcast here: 

Gather a Team

Revella recommends establishing a team of in-house experts, consisting of four to six people. One team member in the meeting should know the competition well.

During the meeting, everyone will review the buyer persona and go through the five categories of insight gained when establishing the new persona.

From the classes of insight, team members will uncover:

  • Four to five triggers that force a buyer to purchase immediately.
  • Four to five insights around benefits buyers care about.
  • Insights about objections buyers have that hold them back.
  • Insights about the obstacles a buyer faces.
  • Six to eight attributes of your company and products/services that consumers look at before deciding.

With all the data in front of team members, they can work to resolve each insight issue and come up with a list of solutions just by asking:

  • How can we help a buyer overcome their obstacles?
  • How can we highlight the attributes customers look for in our company that we have?
  • How can the company address the benefits the buyer cares about and meet their needs?

Answering these questions are relatively easy, says Revella, if you go back to the data and quotes you collected during your initial research phase.

Then, create a way to squeeze into the middle of what a buyer wants to hear versus what your company intends to say so that each side is satisfied.

Testing the Implemented Strategy is Critical

Once a strategy is created through content and marketing, the next stage is testing. Testing on the value propositions in an advertisement can help a company see if their shining new attributes are attracting buyers and meeting the needs of their customers. If it is not resonating properly, then you can adjust your messaging and try another test.

Mainly, you must tweak and refine your message until it repackages all the values that your product/service offers, but also has that hook or substance that brings the buyer to you.

Above the Fold Marketing

Revella highlights that messaging is a fundamental component of marketing, and that message is embedded in every piece of marketing material released by your company. Therefore, it should be on your homepage, above the fold, and easily seen by the customer.

She also points out that a set-it-and-forget-it attitude will not do. Instead, companies must be willing to update their website, revamp the words used, and make sure everything released from here on out is consistent with the strategy designed around the buyer persona.

Most importantly, she suggests hiring a copywriter to handle the messaging aspect, so that a company’s website, blog posts, and social media messages are consistent.

To get more information on developing killer buyer personas, you can follow Revella’s blog at the Buyer Persona Institute or meet with a member of Magnificent to create a way to implement your newly made buyer persona.

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About the Author

David Reimherr
David Reimherr is the founder of Magnificent Marketing, a full service marketing agency with a specialization in content marketing. He brings 20 years of sales, marketing, strategy and branding to the table and you can check his blog or his Magnificent podcast to keep up to date on all the latest things happening in the marketing world. He is a lover of dogs, marketing and life!

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