How A Startup Can Begin Doing Digital Marketing In Order To Start Growing Their Number Of Clients - Social Media Explorer
How A Startup Can Begin Doing Digital Marketing In Order To Start Growing Their Number Of Clients
How A Startup Can Begin Doing Digital Marketing In Order To Start Growing Their Number Of Clients

Startups are going to have to do a large amount of digital
marketing in order to compete with the more established companies in their
business niche. The tough part about marketing online is that it is going to
take consistent effort over a period of time to generate results. Organic
growth is very important and this can be done in a variety of ways. The right
digital marketing team could allow a startup to grow at healthy rates while
doing positive things like branding work, build up a readership to the blog, or
help rank first on search engines for a specific term. The following are ways a
startup can begin doing digital marketing in order to increase their

Give Traffic Visiting The Startups Site That Will Impress Them

Visitors of a startup’s website whether they wondered what
the startup is all about or accidentally clicked a link to the site need to be
impressed when visiting the site. This not only helps make a startup look
legitimate but it gives the site a better chance of the visitor not clicking
off. A site that looks like it was built in the 1990’s is not going to instill
confidence in a potential customer to purchase something off of site. Easy
navigation is essential as well as search engines incorporate this into
rankings so try to get a reliable server and keep complicated media off of the
homepage. Page speed is also important in the rankings so optimizing the site
for this is also imperative.

Create The Best Content Possible

Creating decent content is going to be important for both
the company blog as well as offsite publications. This content could be created
by a freelancer or by somebody in-house. For quality content on a volume scale
it might be imperative to outsource some of this to avoid setting impossible
deadlines for staff only to see content quality decrease. This content can be a
resource, podcast, blog post, or long form piece of content as well as video
related content. Sharable content can help reduce the work the marketing team
has to do as a piece of content that goes viral can be just exactly what the
company needs. Podcasts allow for companies to get very in-depth on topics that
consumers otherwise would not be willing to sit down to read for a half an

Use Social Media To Promote This Content

Social media is the perfect place to expand readership by
sharing content the company has created. This can help engage followers as well
as others interested in the company or industry. People search hashtags so the
appropriate hashtagging can bring relevant eyes to the content. Try using each
platform but the company might find that certain platforms deliver very little
in terms of traffic, sales, or brand recognition. Scheduling out social media
posts as well as engaging in other related conversations as the company can do
different things. This helps build the brand in the eyes of others and with
enough great engagement and content to share can help turn a company into a
thought leader. Avoid certain topics especially in today’s world though as
outrage culture has made differing opinions on certain subjects enough to
boycott a company.

Outreach And Contribute To Industry Publications Or Podcasts

Outreaching to industry publications that will publish the
articles can help keyword rankings. Far too many companies purchase links from
websites instead of outreaching for an organic content placement. This can lead
to penalties from Google which can result in dropping down the search engine or
if this persists a complete deindexing of the website from the search engine. Many
in the internet marketing game consider this the death penalty from Google as a
company would have to completely restart in terms of link building. Far too
many people search instead of typing in an entire URL which can still work on
Google affiliated search browsers.

Make Sure To Track Everything With Data

Tracking everything to do with important areas of online
marketing like that of email
is essential. Email blasts can get content and sales in front of
millions of people per year. There are tools that allow to see open rates as
well as which links were clicked in a specific email. This valuable information
can help perfect pitches as well as blasts. Basing strategy on data is
important as the data does not lie in digital marketing. Understanding what
mistakes were made can allow for a far better ROI than with previous campaigns.
A startup needs to continually improve as cash flow for digital marketing might
not be too prevalent.

Digital marketing can change the trajectory of a startup if
done efficiently in terms of cost. Take the tips above into consideration
before beginning the next quarterly digital marketing strategy meeting.

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About the Author

Adam is an owner at Nanohydr8. He really loves comedy and satire, and the written word in general.

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