Tips for Better Instagram Marketing for Business

Any business that is not on Instagram is losing out in a big way. If you want to get your brand out there and improve your sales, then having an Instagram account for your business is one of the best things you can do. 

Millions of people regularly use Instagram today, which makes it such a vital part of any business marketing campaign. But there is a right way and a wrong way to market yourself on Instagram. 

1. Engage your Audience

Some businesses just open Instagram accounts to post things about their business, with little or no concern for their followers. This is a huge mistake, and your content will come off as spam to many of your fans. 

That is why you should engage with your followers, chatting with them and engaging them in other ways to make them interested in your business and your products. 

2. Open an Instagram Business Account

Since you are a business, be sure to use a business Instagram account instead of a personal account. But if you had opened a personal account, there is an easy way to switch to a business account in your profile settings. 

But why do you need to switch to a business account?

First of all, your followers will have an easier time getting to your website. Additionally, with a business account, you can track the performance of your Instagram account using Instagram’s analytics tools

This information can help you understand your audiences better. Obviously, with such information at your disposal, you can improve the performance of your business by marketing it better through this social media platform. 

3. Know Your Audience

Before you start posting stuff on Instagram, you have to know what your audience wants. Having fancy pictures and posts on your account does not do your business much good if it does not appeal to your audiences. 

Therefore, you have to do a bit of research and learn what your audiences are into, and them tailor your Instagram content to match those desires. That is how you get more conversions off your Instagram marketing campaigns. 

Everywhere you go, giving your customers the information, products, or services they need is key to the survival or your business. For instance, a site like, offers its visitors quality information on faucets and sinks. 

4. Learn to Use Hashtags

Hashtags are a godsend to marketers because they let you organize your content, whether it has been generated by you or other users. Such content is easier for your followers to track, and that boosts the popularity of your brand or your products substantially. Without hashtags, it is much harder for people to get to your content, even if they want to. 

Even so, you should not use hashtags excessively. Not every post requires a hashtag. Similarly, you should avoid using generic hashtags that have already been used a million times. Branded hashtags have a better effect and they show more seriousness on your part as a business. 

5. Let the Images do the Talking

Although Instagram does not put a cap on the number of characters that can use in your posts, you should still limit the size of the texts to a few short lines. On Instagram, images rule. 

Therefore, short messages get more attention, especially when they are punchy and to the point. So, keep the texts or messages short, and they work best when they go together with an image. 

This kind of content will improve engagement and this should translate into more sales for your business. If you would like to provide more information on a given subject, you can provide a link that leads to content on your site for those curious to learn more. 


Instagram is very important for businesses today. In fact, any business that is not using this social media platform to market its brand, services or products is missing out on a lot of potential business. Above are some tips to make Instagram work for your business. 

Basically, effective Instagram marketing involves understanding your audience and providing the kind of content they expect from you. Keeping your fans engaged is also an important part of this process. 

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By Adam

Adam is an owner at Nanohydr8. He really loves comedy and satire, and the written word in general.