It’s no surprise really that mobile marketing and social media lead the way in terms of advertising spend increases in the past few years. The two mediums are typically the first two out of the mouths of marketers as they talk about where they are interested or focusing their marketing dollars and energies.

The Microsoft Tag folks, who obviously have a vested interest in mobile proliferation, put together an interesting infographic I thought worth sharing. It better illustrates where money is going, at least in percentages of increase if not total funds, so we marketers can level set on where expectations lie in dealing with brands.

Sadly, the graphic also shows the sad state of newspaper advertising as the only channel spend that has dropped in the same time frame (2009-2010). All the sources of information are credited in the graphic for those wishing to ask that question.

As you know, I like to try and ask better questions about data we see. So here are a few for thought as  you look at the infographic and digest what it says:

  • Is decreasing spend on newspaper advertising offset by increased spend in the industry’s online versions, separated into the “internet” category in this chart.
  • Is the decreased spend because the audience isn’t flocking to newspapers or because newspapers have just be woefully inept in making a digital transition?
  • Where does inflation come into play here? Is spending up across the board just because money is valued differently. Is there a correction to be applied?
  • We’re talking about percent increase, not total dollars, at least in the main chart. Doesn’t that make the chart kinda moot? No one was spending much on mobile marketing a few years ago. Any increase is going to register larger on a percentage basis.
  • Why does an industry trend indicate I should spend more? (Hint: It doesn’t. If you’re audience isn’t inherently mobile, you don’t need to spend more on mobile.)
That’s my cursory take. What’s yours? Here’s the graphic. Dive into the comments and tell us what you see!

Rise and Fall of Advertising Spends

SME Paid Under

By Jason Falls

Jason Falls is the founder of Social Media Explorer and one of the most notable and outspoken voices in the social media marketing industry. He is a noted marketing keynote speaker, author of two books and unapologetic bourbon aficionado. He can also be found at

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