Why Email Marketers Should Invest in An Email List Verifier - Social Media Explorer
Why Email Marketers Should Invest in An Email List Verifier
Why Email Marketers Should Invest in An Email List Verifier

Email marketing has become a challenging task. Its return on investment is high, but you have to check a few important aspects off the list before you send your campaigns. The number one goal of any email marketer is great deliverability, which means that all (or most) of your emails reach their destination. How can you achieve that? Using an email list verifier is the fastest and easiest way.

What is an email list verifier? It is a complex piece of software that analyzes your email list and removes bad and risky email addresses from it. It ensures you’re reaching your audience and keeping a good sender reputation.

You may ask yourself, why would you need an email list verifier if you’re following email marketing best practices? Unfortunately, that doesn’t protect you from harmful leads that may end up in your database. Spam traps, bot-created email addresses with malicious intentions, toxic and catch-all domains, abuse and disposable emails – these are just a few of the dangers that can hurt your email deliverability and reputation. A good email list verifier will eliminate these risks and support you in your effort to stay in touch with your subscribers.

A great email list verifier, like ZeroBounce, will:

  • Identify and remove invalid email addresses in your list
  • Spot and weed out email addresses that pose a risk to your deliverability and reputation
  • Tell you which email addresses in your list have been dormant, so you can attempt to re-engage them.
  • Add valuable information about your subscribers – you can find out their name, location and even gender.

Let’s have a look at some of the top reasons why you should use an email list verifier before sending your campaign.

It minimizes your bounce rate

It does so by eliminating invalid email addresses. Also, through an API you install on your platform, it prevents these bad email addresses from registering in the first place. Thereby, an email list verifier boosts your deliverability and, ultimately, your sales.

It improves your reputation

Invalid and risky email addresses affect your sender reputation, and you could end up being blacklisted by your email provider. Removing unwanted email addresses from your list not only improves your deliverability, but your reputation as well. This, in turn, will determine email service providers to land more of your campaigns into your subscriber’s inboxes, not in the Spam folder.

Higher engagement

With a low bounce rate, reduced email abusers, and a better reputation, there are higher chances that your audience sees the campaigns you send. How will this impact your performance? By increasing, your open and click-through rates. High click-through rates mean a better ROI, and let’s face it, what email marketer doesn’t want that? But reaching your prospects is the first step in converting them into actual buyers.

It is cost saving

As an email marketer, you’re probably using anemail service provider. When you have thousands of leads, the cost can be significant, so keeping useless addresses in your list is like throwing money out the window. When you use an email list verifier, the size of your database may decrease, but its quality gets better and your email marketing costs will decrease.

Email verification is a game changer and you will never regret investing your time and money in it. Make sure your email list is healthy, so you can reach your subscribers and make the most of your campaigns.

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About the Author

Adam is an owner at Nanohydr8. He really loves comedy and satire, and the written word in general.

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