5 Proven Blogging Strategies to Gain Loyal Clients

A blog is one of the most essential tools to have in order to market, brand, and advertise your business. But if you’re just getting into the blogging world, it can feel like an uphill battle to attract the views and attention your blog needs.

It’s frustrating to spend hours writing a blog post, only to get a few reads and comments. In the beginning, it can really feel like you’re talking to yourself! But by using the right techniques, you can gain loyal clients that will consistently read and interact with your blog posts.

Keep reading to learn about five different blogging strategies that will enable you to gain and retain an audience.

1. Strive (And Write) for Greatness

Nothing attracts visitors as much as consistently great content does. When the blog posts you write are relatable or answer a question that your audience has, you’re checking all of the boxes. Quality purposeful content is the best way to attract the audience that you seek.

In writing great blogs, it’s important to understand what your readers care about. This means spending time researching your target audience while also figuring out what questions they have and what topics they’re most interested in reading about.

You’ll also want to keep a close eye on trending topics in your industry. See what your competitors are writing about and find a different way to approach the subject. By coming up with irresistible blog ideas, you can build an ever-growing audience for your blog.

2. SEO Your Blog

Online content has grown exponentially in the last few years. In order for people to come across your posts, they have to first know that your blog exists. The best way to ensure that people are able to find your blog is to use search engine optimization (SEO).

With the right SEO techniques, you can improve your blog’s position in search engine result pages. The higher your blog is in the listings, the more likely it is that someone will view it.

When optimizing your blog, you’ll want to:

  • Focus on quality over quantity
  • Use keywords throughout your blogs
  • Link build
  • Make it easy to share the blog
  • Use images and other graphic elements

Another important part of SEO is to keep tabs on how blogs are performing. Measure and analyze your SEO efforts to ensure they’re having an impact.

3. Use Your Social Media Profiles

Another effective and efficient way to get more people to read your blog is to share your posts on social media. By sharing your content on social networks like Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter, not only will more people read your blogs, those same people may also share your posts with their social networks.

When putting a blog post on your social media channels, don’t just copy and paste the title and URL. Post a catchy description or ask a question that makes readers want to learn more. You’ll also want to include an image when sharing blog posts to draw even more interest.

4. Engage & Interact

Posting a blog isn’t a one and done thing. While your blog may be live and open to the masses to read it, you need to keep a close eye on the post. As users start to make comments and have conversions, you want to engage and interact!

People like to know that there’s a human behind a blog. By taking the time to respond to questions and thank readers for leaving comments, it shows that you care and value them. In turn, they’re much more likely to continue visiting your blog.

Take the time to develop relationships with your readers. This opens the door for a blog posting service, topic suggestions, and other helpful options that will inch your blog even closer to success.

5. Use Guest Posts

Allowing guest posts to be published on your blog is a great way to get some traffic that an existing blogger has already obtained. Imagine the views you’d get if a popular blogger in your industry posted on your blog! Who needs to buy Instagram followers when you can piggyback off of someone else’s audience for free?

Another option is to also create a post that gets posted outside of your own blog. Guest posts sometimes allow you to add a link to your own blog, which will also drive more traffic. You generally also get to submit a bio about yourself, which is another place where you can include a link to your blog.


Gaining a steady stream of loyal readers is the best way to ensure your blog reaches the level of success that you envisioned. The more consistent readers you have, the more visibility your content will get. Keep these tips in mind to keep your audience numbers growing.

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By Adam

Adam is an owner at Nanohydr8. He really loves comedy and satire, and the written word in general.