The Dos And Don’ts Of Content Marketing In 2019 - Social Media Explorer
The Dos And Don’ts Of Content Marketing In 2019
The Dos And Don’ts Of Content Marketing In 2019

Content marketing has grown immensely as the average
consumer is exposed to far more content than ever before. This is due to mobile
technology developing so people are constantly reading, listening, or viewing
content hundreds of times daily. For this reason the quality of content has had
to increase as people have become more specific about the type and quality of
content they consume. Far too many brands are wasting money by making huge
mistakes in 2019 in their content marketing strategies. The following are
things companies should be doing and others that they should be avoiding like
the plague.

Creating Content Based On Data

One advantage that many digital marketers have when
developing their content marketing campaigns is the usage
of data
. Understand what has happened in the past is important as the
clarity of what works and what does not becomes very clear. Certain types of
content can be in-depth as well as easy to produce like that of a weekly
podcast. Other types like long form articles could take quite a bit of time
without offering the depth a podcast could. Different demographics consume
content differently so this is something to keep in mind while varying your
content types during a campaign.

Keyword Stuffing

Keyword targeting is far different than keyword
which can really make a piece of content difficult to read. If the
word “Sprint iPhone” occurs 30 times in a 500 word article most people will not
make it through the first paragraph. Google also has taken a hard line on low
quality content created only for SEO purposes that do not offer value to the
reader. Have an expert writer incorporate certain keywords in a natural way as
this will allow for quality content to be produced with SEO benefits.

Targeting The Right Keywords To Maximize Conversions

When doing offsite link building it is important to do the
appropriate keyword research. Your company wants to target words that help the
company rank as well as terms that often times lead potential customers to
sales pages. This needs to be considered before creating content for the site,
offsite, and even for the keywords for specific website pages. Summaries on
blog posts can also make them much easier for Google to pick up so these have
begun to be more important than ever.

Not Considering SEO In Their Marketing Plan

Content marketing and SEO have always been related but with
quality content driving the search engines they are more entwined than ever
before. Search engines play a huge role in whether we think a digital marketing
campaign is a success or not. They drive the most traffic which can lead to
sales directly as people do not want to venture off of the first page to buy
something or set an appointment somewhere.

Totally Skipping Out On Influencer Marketing/Picking Wrong Influencers

Influencer marketing might not be for every business but for
certain businesses it can be extremely profitable. The trick is to have the
influencer produce quality content that grabs the attention of viewers. The
influencer should also reflect the brand as the wrong influencer could portray
a message that is not in line with their customer demographic. Test out a few
influencers to see which offers the best ROI so you can maximize the efficiency
of the marketing campaign.

Refusing To Modify Strategy If Results Are Not Sufficient

Content marketing campaigns need to be malleable as at times
a certain strategy might not work. Google algorithm changes can also make a big
difference in what works as a tactic might lose its effectiveness with a slight
change. Set milestones to see if you might need to modify the strategy with
specific data sets as the data can clarify what is working and what is not.

Educate, Educate, Educate

Education of customer is one of the most important things
that you can do with a piece of content. Presenting in this in an easy to
understand and entertaining format can be tough but it is possible.
Understanding things like chapter
7 vs 11
be the perfect piece of content for a person looking into their
financial issues. This will allow them to get started on the path rather than
wonder for weeks or even months how they can start changing their financial lives
now. Updating older content to make it relevant can be a great way to produce
more content that will continually stay up to date thus making it much easier
to produce content. 

As you can see there are plenty of things in 2019 to avoid and try out this
year. Content marketing is going to continue to be a great way to grow a brand
and business. Use the appropriate tactics to reap all of the benefits that it
can bring a business.

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About the Author

Adam is an owner at Nanohydr8. He really loves comedy and satire, and the written word in general.

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