The Right Approach to Buy YouTube Views According to Google

Are you someone who has always wanted to have a YouTube channel but are overwhelmed when it comes to getting the right amount of views? Do you dread the thought of starting from ground zero? If your answer to these questions is yes we have a solution for you. In the forthcoming sections of this write-up, we will give you useful tips to buy YouTube views which have been mandated by Google as the right way to do it. We promise after reading this piece of content, you will be the first way to start your very own YouTube channel without worrying about the views.

Before we go straight to the subject it is important to understand one thing. Since you have opened this write-up, it shows that you know how to make YouTube videos. The only thing that you need to take care of is growing your audience. This is what we are going to show you in this content piece.

Think about it how cool it would be to get thousands of authentic and engaged subscribers for your YouTube channel. The thing that we are going to discuss is not about buying fake robot YouTube subscribers. We are talking of building a real, authentic relationship in the shortest possible time.

Now that you have thought hard about your life after getting lots of YouTube views it is time to make this dream come true. Let’s get started with the tips that will make you buy YouTube views the right way according to Google.

Create a fun video and encourage viewers to subscribe to your channel

This is the very first step but is very important to get moving. Start by creating a fun video like a funny clip and ask the viewers to follow your adventures by subscribing to your channel. While creating the video, always ensure that it is engaging and prompts your viewers to take action.

Research the top YouTube channels that your target audience loves to watch

This is the next step. Put on your detective shoes and research for the top 100 YouTube channels that your target audience has their eyes on. These will be the channels where you will be targeting your video on. For example, if you have a family vlog, make a list of top 50-100 other family vlog channels on YouTube with the highest followings.

Create a YouTube Ad campaign in Google Adwords and place it on your videos on the YouTube Channels

Next, create a YouTube ad campaign in Google Adwords and place your videos on the channels that you researched in the previous step. Employ “Placements” targeting to maximize outreach. Once the ads commence to run, track the costs, clicks, views, and subscribers within AdWords. If you find any channel that is not performing up to the mark pause them for the betterment.

Use trial and error method to get the best results for your YouTube channel

By using trial and error method, it is possible to get the best results for your YouTube channel. You will start getting results and comments in quick time. Once you start the campaign, it will have an immediate effect on the views and subscribers. People will slowly but gradually check your video ads, subscribe to your YouTube channel, and watch more fantastic videos thereby keep coming back.

The Final Words

Irrespective of whether you are trying to grow your personal YouTube Channel or for business. YouTube Ads can provide instant gratification. It is possible to use it to get more visitors, subscribers, and even leads. Now that you have discovered the secret buy YouTube views through YouTube Ads it is time to actually grow your YouTube channel. It is quite a simple process which requires minimal knowledge and some work. The great news is, you can do all this by following the right approach according to Google. Isn’t it amazing?

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By Assaf Dudai

Assaf Dudai is the Head of Content at BrightInfo, a content-based real-time personalization engine for websites. Assaf believes the written word has yet to say its last word. You can connect with Assaf on LinkedIn.