By now, many of us know that Facebook’s algorithm gives preference to native videos, especially Facebook Live. However, the stats behind this bias are still pretty shocking. A recent study released by social media analytics platform quintly suggests that if you still aren’t using native video on Facebook, you’re seriously missing out.

What Video Formats Get Posted On Facebook?

Out of the 167,000 profiles analyzed by quintly, almost half posted some form of video content in 2016. 90% of profiles that post video content used Facebook native video. Other competing formats include YouTube and Vimeo, which are used by 30% and 2%, respectively, of profiles.

Facebook native videos made up 84.47% of videos posted to the platform in 2016. This is a major jump from 2015, when only 65% of videos were in native format. A major driver of this change is most likely the release and heavy promotion of Facebook Live in the last year or so.

Does Video Format Affect Engagement?

In short, yes. Facebook native videos have a 109.67% higher average interaction rate (i.e. reactions, shares, comments) than YouTube videos. The difference in average share rate is even more startling. Facebook native videos are shared 478% more often than YouTube videos.

With such a major difference in engagement, it’s no surprise that more popular Facebook profiles use Facebook native video more often than their smaller counterparts. The overall growth in the use of native video in 2016 is 20%. However, when you look at this statistic more closely, you’ll see that profiles with more than 10 million followers have a native video adoption rate of 35%. On the other hand, profiles with 1 to 1,000 followers have a much lower adoption rate of 5.42%.

More and more people prefer video content in general because of its inherent ability to create strong connections. So you may as well post that video in Facebook native format to make the most of it. If you need some inspiration to better incorporate video into your Facebook marketing strategy, click here to watch some of the best Facebook 360 brand videos.

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By Maha Chaudhry

Maha Chaudhry works at Renegade LLC, a social-inspired marketing agency. She recently graduated from Princeton University, where she studied psychology and health policy. Her interests include fashion and beauty in digital media.