In the peaceful transition of power between American political parties, the survival of sacred institutions is at stake. Topping that list of institutions, of course, is the White House Facebook Page.
Just kidding. But Facebook is proving to be a nuisance for the new administration—one that it probably didn’t foresee. The Trump team has been posting to the official White House page regularly since January 20th, and let’s just say that there’s a lot of, ah, empty space in what should be a #MAGA-filled audience.
To illustrate, here’s a recent post linking to a YouTube video of the “history-making” inauguration.
Users immediately filled the conversation with negative comments, the top among them getting hundreds and even thousands of likes. This behavior alone isn’t weird. It’s 2017, after all. But where are all the Trump enthusiasts?
Simple: they don’t follow the page (yet). While the previous administration’s content was wiped from the page, its followers remain; followers that were earned over eight years. This means that The White House’s audience looks more like that of “Obama For America!” than Donald J. Trump for President. When you consider that over 8 million Facebook users interested in President Obama’s administration now find themselves following a Trump White House page, the intense backlash makes sense.
Will the page’s audience shift over time? We can only assume. Until then, President Trump’s team has a hornet’s nest to contend with every time it posts to Facebook.
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