#2020 #SMM Trends: Several Tricks That All Marketers Need to Know - Social Media Explorer
#2020 #SMM Trends: Several Tricks That All Marketers Need to Know
#2020 #SMM Trends: Several Tricks That All Marketers Need to Know

In 2020, a social media marketing promotion strategy will be much more important than ever before. The reason for this is a change in consumers’ (especially millennials) decision-making process when buying online. More and more people make buying decisions based on the recommendations of their friends on social networks. Algorithms of social networks are constantly changing too. So, it becomes crucial to know what promotional or engagement activities work and what do not work.

The second invasion of longreads

If the post is interesting, the subscriber will absorb it in a minute. If the post touches urgent, personal, “burning” topics, then it will be read to the end. These are two key factors of long form texts that will keep the reader’s attention to the last phrase, dot or hashtag.

But this does not mean that the longreads conquered the Network completely. Short but informative or energetic posts work well too. Especially if there are many representatives of generation Y among your subscribers, they do not like to read. They perceive the world through colorful photos and videos.

It is better to analyze and diversify. Publish a post, evaluate the result, make conclusions, and adjust the content strategy accordingly.

Stream, stream, stream

Live streaming is a cool thing, but it should be done by an interesting person or show a cool event. 

Influencers: who framed the millionaires?

You may already know that it is not so profitable now to have a million subscribers. Let’s explain why.

First of all, people spot advertisements almost immediately, both hidden or explicit. Sponsored posts either get scrolled through quickly or gather a bunch of angry comments and unsubscribes.

Secondly, the United States began a hunt for influencers. The Federal Trade Commission request bloggers to disclose information about their relations with brands.

More and more advertisers contact people who have from 50 to 100 thousand subscribers. Prices are fair, and native ads get meticulously prepared. Companies like Fresh Crowd help to find such advertising opportunities. 

Interactive content

Earlier to attract a subscriber, it was enough to post a meme, a cool short phrase, or a fun video. Most people have already succumbed to such types of content. It is necessary now to post something lively, exciting and non-trivial. 

Quizzes, tests, puzzles help to forget about the daily routine and relax a bit, well and to feel like a smart guy; after all, you know the answers to all the questions?

Story Highlights

Highlights or “Eternal Stories” is a good thing. Highlights help to group important information, save time when answering subscribers’ questions like: “What services do you provide?”

If there is no need for such information, you can group the content into thematic groups.

A lot of short videos

Short videos have turned into the 2019 – 2020 SMM trend. Short videos and “Vines” turned ordinary people into Instagram stars. These users were not afraid to shoot funny videos, broadcast their personal relationships, or make vlogs from gyms. It is not so difficult to improve audience retention and increase engagement if your video is only 60 seconds long.

The personality of a brand: show people

Previously, customers wanted to see equipment, devices, or an office where the “magic” was going on. Today people want to watch how other people dress, how they think, what their values ​​are, etc. Thanks to such a simple and understandable thing, a company turns from a “stranger” into a love mark brand.

Longer distance to sales

There are a lot of impulsive buyers. They see a dress or bag and are ready to empty their wallets or apply for loans in order to purchase their favorite item.

Some buyers are pragmatists. They delve into the details for a long time. They thoroughly study the product and the company. Before, in order to reach them, it was required to have a Facebook page, a website, and contextual advertising.

Now there are even more things. Social networks play an important role here. It is not enough to have an account on Facebook only. You need accounts on Instagram, LinkedIn, Twitter, Telegram, etc.

Augmented and virtual reality

Yes, some people are already tired of that “zoo” on Instagram. But “ears” and “mustaches” still keep appearing in stories.

However, there is good news: using AR and VR tools, some brands have expanded the boundaries of the usual online shopping. For example, IKEA offers an AR app to see how the furniture fits your bedroom, living room, or kitchen. To evaluate whether IKEA furniture fits into the interior or not, you just need a smartphone and a subscription to the Swedish brand page.

Refusal of ideal profiles: well, finally!

Photos with perfect faces without freckles or small wrinkles are now uninteresting. It is also psychologically difficult to leave among ideal people who have the perfect house, always have time for going to the gym, and money for traveling.

It is much nicer to follow profiles, where posts about mistakes and failures mix with stories about triumph. You feel that a real person is hiding behind the photo, and it is not just another beautiful wrapper.

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About the Author

Adam is an owner at Nanohydr8. He really loves comedy and satire, and the written word in general.

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