Dear Facebook;
Just stop. Please stop. Yes, imitation is the most sincere form of flattery. I get that. However, this time you’ve gone too far.
It all started when you introduced hashtags and trends, which used to be features of Twitter alone. I understand. You needed to stay relevant. Social media was evolving without you. Granted, you were the first platform to offer live streaming. Kudos to you for that achievement. But now? You’ve reached the point of no return.
Facebook Stories? Where have I heard that one before?
Falling Behind
You see, Facebook, you exist in a fast-paced world. People move fast. Food is served fast. Content needs to be delivered fast, too.
Twitter delivers news fast. Tweets are easy to read, and links are easily accessible.
Instagram delivers visual content fast. Snapchat delivers visual content fast as well, although sometimes too fast. Snapchat is even in the news game now with their Discover feature. Even though it’s not always the hard-hitting news you read in the newspaper, it is relevant and engaging news.
I’m sorry to say this, Facebook, but you are not fast. In your heyday, you were a great vessel for sharing pictures and memories of family and friends — with family and friends. There was an abundance of links to news articles. We would all share our latest life updates- what of what we were doing, where we we, and who we’re with.
However, more users are gravitating towards Twitter, Snapchat, and Instagram where content is easy, fun, and visually appealing.
Not only that, but the younger demographic doesn’t even give you a second thought. Only 8% of Facebook users are between the ages of 13-19. It doesn’t stop there, though. The graph below shows a decline in Facebook usage as members get older.

This trend is likely to continue. As 20-29 year olds enter the next age group, their Facebook usage will taper off. In fact, it’s happening already. As of February 2016, Facebook was not the most popular platform among 12-24 year olds.

Changing of the Tides
Now, Facebook, you’ve become overstuffed with bad memes and political rants. Memory-sharing is now Instagram’s responsibility. Personal updates fall under the domain of Twitter and Snapchat.
It’s clear that this is a last-ditch effort for you to prevent your decline somewhere down the road. But it isn’t going to work. People aren’t as likely to check Facebook on their phones as they are the other platforms. I, for one, rarely open the Facebook app on my phone.
And isn’t that the point of Stories? To open Snapchat or Instagram and see what your friends are up to? Facebook, your strength is your website. And nobody wants to watch mobile videos on a desktop client.
It’s also all-too-obvious that Facebook Stories is a blatant ripoff of Snapchat and Instagram Stories. If I want to see what my friends are doing, I’m going to a platform dedicated to photo and video sharing.
Maybe you’ll surprise us all and this will be a rebirth of sorts. Maybe you’ll bring back old friends and gain new ones in the process. But I’m not convinced. I’m moving on. So should you.
Hey, it was fun while it lasted but it’s time to let go. Remember the past, enjoy the present, and accept the future.
At least you’re not Google Plus.
Best regards,
SME Paid Under
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