How Marketing Will Change at the Incite Marketing Summit - Social Media Explorer
How Marketing Will Change at the Incite Marketing Summit
How Marketing Will Change at the Incite Marketing Summit

Question: How do you engage a customer that’s tired of marketing?

That’s the fundamental topic for discussion at this year’s — coming to New York City October 27-28, 2016. Some of the world’s biggest and most well-known brands will be in attendance to discuss (and perhaps even foment) a revolution in the marketing industry.

In researching the most desired topics for professional marketers today, the Incite Group discovered three topics that stood out above all the rest. The results (and the following topics) will act as the three-pronged tip of the spear for discussion, insights, and analysis at the Incite Marketing Summit 2016.

The Revolution Will Be Personalized


Raw data — and increasingly “smart data” — is allowing marketers to understand their customers like never before. But knowing all about your customer is only the first step. How do you meaningfully deliver personalized customer interactions without coming off as robotic, creepy, or spam-like?

Attend the Personalization track of the Incite Marketing Summit to find out.

What’s Your Story?


No, seriously. What’s your brand story? If it doesn’t immediately flow off the tongue then you could probably use some elucidation on the current best practices for brand storytelling.

Fortunately, that’s track #2 at the Incite Marketing Summit.

To Whom Do I Owe This Conversion?


Employing data and content-focused storytelling are great strategies to align your brand with newest, most effective trends in marketing. But to keep the guesswork out of the equation, at the end of the day, you have to know what facets of your marketing actually converted — so you can do more of it.

At the Incite Marketing Summit, Marketing Attribution has been dubbed the “Holy Grail” of your marketing campaign. Insights from this track will help you improve and optimize your marketing in real-time so that your efforts are more precise and effective.

Special Bonus for Social Media Explorers


How does this grab you? As a reader or subscriber of Social Media Explorer, we’ve arranged an exclusive perk for you. Use our special discount code SMEXPLORER200 when you , and you’ll automatically have your registration fee reduced by $200.

Social Media Explorer is a proud media partner for this disruptive marketing event. We’ll be bringing you live updates from the Summit floor via the event hashtag, . Renegade LLC CEO and Social Media Explorer Publisher, Drew Neiser will be moderating at the event and providing insights from speakers, panelists, and attendees.

If you’re at the Summit and you’d like a 1-minute interview with our team, keep your eye out for Drew and our crew or give us a heads up on Facebook or Twitter.

Image credits:,,,, Incite Group

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About the Author

Don Power
Don Power is a Director of Content Marketing. When it comes to content marketing, Don's been the Cyrano for a variety of organizations and delivered The King’s Speech himself as a professional speaker across North America. Don extends an open invitation to connect on LinkedIn or Twitter.

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