Social media is a bridge that gives you access to people, stories, and companies that at one time you didn’t have access to. It facilitates conversations that previously came by invitation only. It tears down walls and allows you to see and participate “behind the curtain.”
This whole thought of the “What Social Media Can Do for You,” has really been at the forefront of my thinking and conversation this week. Watching and listening through multiple social media channels of the ground conversations taking place around the Iranian elections has been extremely interesting, as it was during the Mumbai terrorist attacks.
We often get so engrossed in the ROI, measurements, and tools of social media that we forget real life examples of how social media can work. For example, can you recall what your world was like before social media compared to now. I guarantee it has changed.
It’s changed for me. Here’s my list and something you can build upon.
What Social Media Can Do for You
- Allows you to participate in networks that at one time you didn’t have access to.
- Gives you access to thought leaders
- Connects you to employment opportunities
- Grants you an opportunity to have face-to-face conversations with brands
- Brings the world closer to you
- Allows you the ability to build a global network easier
- Provides a platform to build and promote a personal brand
- Increases the opportunity to become a thought leader in your area of expertise
- Provides income opportunities
- Gives you access to raw journalism often times not available to mainstream media outlets
- Connects you with business opportunities – partnerships and funding
- Gives you a platform to be heard, if you’re willing to take time to listen to others.
- Give you access to information faster, easier and in real time.
- Makes it easier to share information with your networks
- Through technology and social media channels you have instant access to communities and networks at all time.
OK, there’s my fifteen. What would you add to this list? What opportunity has social media provided for you? What has changed for you?
Leave a comment and share your story.
Related articles by Zemanta
- Can Twitter be journalism? (billbennettnz.wordpress.com)
- Citizen Journalism: The Key Trend Shaping Online News Media – Introductory Guide With Videos (masternewmedia.org)
- 7 Ways to Use Social Media to Build Stunning Business and Personal Brands (slideshare.net)
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