Become a Social Media Wizard: How to Have a Good Instagram Feed - Social Media Explorer
Become a Social Media Wizard: How to Have a Good Instagram Feed
Become a Social Media Wizard: How to Have a Good Instagram Feed

Have you ever come across the perfect, most aesthetic Instagram feed?

You click through on an intriguing picture, end up on the profile, and there it is. A beautiful and consistent color palette. A good balance between types of posts. High-quality photos. Original and engaging content.

In today’s social media-driven world, having the perfect feed is more important than ever. To many customers, your Instagram is the visual face and personality of your brand.

Want to know how to have a good Instagram feed that will leave other influencers and brands feeling jealous? Here are some tips to craft a beautiful feed that will get you more followers.

1. Pick a Theme (and Stick to It) 

When it comes to crafting the perfect Instagram feed, your theme is the key.

Settling on a uniform theme will help guide your shooting and editing process. More importantly, it’ll set you apart from the others on Instagram. It will tell every user that visits your profile exactly what you’re about and the general vibe that you offer.

Keeping a consistent theme is the best way to get dedicated followers to stick around on your page. This means you can engage with them in other ways, like using stories or Instagram live.

2. Find the Right Theme

In order to create a great theme, you’ll have to narrow down your color palette.
If you have a brand profile, think about what colors represent your brand. If you have a personal profile, think about what colors capture your vibe and personality. 

Select three or four colors that blend well together and try to incorporate them in every post. For example, the colors white, green, and dark brown can look gorgeous together.

Make sure these colors are featured in your photos—and be sure to edit the colors so that you’re using the same shade and tone each time.

3. Use an App to Plan Your Feed

On Instagram, your photos are positioned in a grid layout. But when you’re trying to keep your color, theme, and filter clean and consistent, it’s best to look ahead.

Knowing what photos are coming next in the layout will help you stick to this theme. Try using an app to plan your posts for a few weeks in advance. You can rearrange certain posts to keep your grid looking aesthetic and consistent.

4. Use a More Advanced Filter

A theme is nothing without the right filter. And the mistake that many make is using the most basic filters Instagram has to offer.

Don’t use the filters or editing systems within the app. While these might be the most functional, they aren’t very advanced. Use photo editing apps that can offer you a wider range of color and tone selection.

This will help you pick the right filter that makes your photos look professional, clean, and aesthetically pleasing.

How to Have a Good Instagram Feed

Crafting a gorgeous Instagram profile right might seem difficult at first. But if you follow these tips and stay consistent, you can learn how to have a good Instagram feed.

The perfect theme combined with a great content strategy will put you on the Instagram map—and the rest is just a matter of practice.

Looking for more tips to master your social media game? Check out our blog for more!

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About the Author

Adam is an owner at Nanohydr8. He really loves comedy and satire, and the written word in general.

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