How to stick to your goals
In order to avoid getting demotivated, you need to make sure your goals are SMART. This acronym stands for specific, measurable, attainable, realistic and timely.
Visualize yourself achieving your goals
The power of visualization has been proven by many successful people across the globe, including world-renown athletes who saw themselves hitting those records. The power of this technique lies in visualizing how will you feel once you hit that milestone.
Keep an eye on the prize
Whenever you don’t feel like waking up in the morning to do that early workout or when you just cannot resist to a chocolate temptation, try to remember your long-term goal. Once you resist a temptation, you will feel even stronger.
Be accountable for every decision you make
Set firm deadlines and report to someone on your progress. Join a club or start a healthy challenge with your friends. You can even decide to give yourself a day off from time to time, but make sure it’s planned as the bottom line is to honor your commitment.
Break down large goals into a number of smaller ones
Sometimes big goals overwhelm us. To avoid this scenario, remember than an “elephant can be eaten only one bite at a time”. Once you start moving in the right direction, it’s easier to maintain the momentum until you reach the finish line.
Integrate your goal into your lifestyle
For your goal to become non-optional, it needs to become a part of who you are. Moreover, if you do something on a daily basis, you will create a new habit in no time. The moment you can no longer see yourself without that goal is the moment you know that you will achieve it.
Surround yourself with people who have “it”
Who you are is who you are with. If you want to be happy, surround yourself with happy people. The same goes for health and success as their vibration will be your source of motivation. But, don’t make the mistake of comparing yourself to others as this is a game that you can never win.
Preparation is key
In order to minimize the risk of a slip, make tough choices easier by planning ahead. One example is planning your meals for the week and stocking your fridge with healthy ingredients.
Believe in yourself
Will power and self-control are great qualities but believing in yourself is the greatest superpower that is. As Walt Disney said: if you can dream it, you can achieve it.”
Health & wellness goals
Starting a health and wellness journey is not easy, but it’s beyond worth the effort. It takes approximately 66 days to create a habit so just be committed and make each day count. Even when you drift off, just pick up where you left off.
If you have a business trip coming up and can’t go to the gym, compensate with a Zoom class. If you missed your early HIIT class, do it in the afternoon or do a Pilates session at home instead.
It’s better to squeeze a 15-minute run into your day instead of not doing anything at all. Even the smallest effort counts.
Make it fun and enjoyable by finding a fitness program you like. Choose a fun fitness program and make a tasty meal plan. When you discover a program you enjoy doing, the commitment becomes fun, making it even easier to achieve your wellness goals.
Last but not least, allow your body to recover and rest. Make quality sleep your priority. You cannot make any progress in your wellbeing routine if you sacrifice the deeply restorative powers of sleep.
Finance goals
A financial goal can be building a fund for a specific purpose, such as buying a house, a holiday trip, starting up a business, getting rid of debt or saving up for retirement. What all these goals have in common is that they depend on accumulating money.
Wealthy people know how to save money and not pay more than they need to. One common example is overspending on utilities. With a decentralized market, you have the freedom to compare Pennsylvania electricity rates so you can choose the best one. This decision alone can save you several hundreds of dollars off your annual energy bill. The impact will be amplified if you make your home more energy-efficient with energy saving habits and appliances. In the same manner, make sure you identify all areas where you can save money.
Having a SMART financial goal will change how you look at your money as you will suddenly become aware how every decision you make matters to your greater financial health. Based on your goals, your mindset, habits and routine will change.
Decide what you want and make it happen. Believe that you can live on your own terms instead of the bank’s. Believe that you can get out of debt. Believe that you can build wealth and buy the things you want. Financial goals will get you there. Just write them down, make them specific and measurable, set clear deadlines and above all, believe you can achieve them.
Takeaway – Even when you map out your journey, make sure you stay flexible as things can’t always go as planned and life is about learning to deal with setbacks. All it counts is that you don’t fall off the wagon entirely and even when you do make a step back, just remember to make not one, but two steps forward. Most importantly, don’t stop until you achieved your goals.
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