4 Social Media Marketing Influencers You Should Know
4 Social Media Marketing Influencers You Should Know
4 Social Media Marketing Influencers You Should Know

In the last few years, digital marketing has shifted away from optimizing for robots and algorithms to creating a connection with actual human beings. Having a unique and engaging voice is a clear competitive advantage when you’re trying to get your brand to stand out from the crowd. As a result, online content and SEO strategies have shifted to quality relatable content and user experience metrics.

This gradual shift in digital marketing, combined with the growing dominance of social platforms, has led to the rise of social media influencers. Influencer marketing is an increasingly important element of the SEO overview.

Associating your brand with an influencer in your niche is becoming essential. There’s no better way to keep up with this trend than to follow the key influencers in the digital marketing space. Here are the four influencers you should follow if you want to stay on the cutting edge of digital marketing and online branding.

1. Aaron Lee (@AskAaronLee)

With over a million Twitter followers and the fifth spot on Forbes’ 2013 50 Top Power Influencers List, Aaron Lee is one of the most respected social media influencers around. Aaron is a prolific content writer and his articles regularly feature on major online publications like Mashable and Huffington Post. Based on his experience building his lifestyle blog, Short of Height, Aaron dispenses invaluable tips on creating and maintaining a personal brand online.

2. Gary Vaynerchuk (@garyvee)

Best-selling author and serial entrepreneur Gary Vaynerchuk is probably the social media influencer you’re most likely to be familiar with. Gary’s podcasts, articles, and social streams are a fountain of knowledge for anyone who wants to understand the importance of video in today’s digital landscape. His easy-going and casual articles offer honest opinions and pragmatic strategies for building a brand online.

3. Jason Eng (@JasonEng_)

Jason is the content lead for the Developer External Relations team at IBM. Considering the fact that he spends his days trying to create an online community and a refreshed online presence for one of the oldest tech companies on the planet, you can safely assume Jason has deep insights in the world of digital communications. His social feed is filled with snippets about how social media is evolving and how you can create an engaged and passionate community around your service or product.

4. Mari Smith (@MariSmith)

Hailed as the “Queen of Facebook,” Mari Smith is one of the most powerful influencers on most social media platforms. Mari offers a unique blend of professional and personal insights into her life and work. Her social stream is a textbook example of quality content that creates engagement and drives conversion. Her advice is straightforward, practical, and highly effective.

Following these key social media influencers is a great way to keep your finger on the digital marketing sector’s pulse. These insights can help you build a better brand, engage with more people online, and boost sales for your business quickly.

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About the Author

Don Power
Don Power is a Director of Content Marketing. When it comes to content marketing, Don's been the Cyrano for a variety of organizations and delivered The King’s Speech himself as a professional speaker across North America. Don extends an open invitation to connect on LinkedIn or Twitter.

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