3 Ways to Increase Website Traffic - Social Media Explorer
3 Ways to Increase Website Traffic
3 Ways to Increase Website Traffic

Many “online-peneurs” are rethinking ways to sustain themselves, especially now under quarantine. Small-time business owners, as well as more established companies, are always searching for ways to increase their website traffic. 

After all, the more people that visit your website, the more likely you are to have higher sales.

It’s no secret that the digital world is an arena where the most innovative, creative, and technologically savvy stay ahead of the game. But how does one do that? 

Search Engine Optimizations (SEO), website incentives, and associating your product to triggers through content are three ways to increase website traffic. You can also schedule posts using tiktok post schedulers

Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

Currently, there are roughly 2 billion websites on the internet. To sort through all of it, most of us rely on search engines to find what we want. These search engines work so well that over 90% of online users depend on them to find things. 

According to BlueShare, 83% of all global traffic uses Google as their search engine. A whopping 94% of people look at the first few links on the first page results. Instead of clicking on the second page, many folks prefer to modify the keywords of whatever it is they’re searching for. 

The best SEO company London, mentions how useful a free 20-minute strategy session to help optimize your website for the best search engine results can be. This kind of expertise is in how they understand how search engine algorithms would function to your advantage.

When someone searches for something, and your website comes up, they’ll click on your page. These aren’t your typical visitors. These are people that are looking for your exact product or service. These are the folks most likely to convert into customers and subscribers. 

Offer Website Incentives

As we see with top companies, they offer a free consultation that inspires guests to interact with them from the get-go. This little incentive is a win-win because it sets the preliminary stage for business.

Other incentives may include product giveaway, free trial memberships, free shipping, coupons or discounts, and even donating to a charity. A little chat box that pops up and allows guests to type in their questions and receive feedback is an excellent idea. 

Never underestimate the good feelings of connection and gratitude amongst potential clients and customers. Those little perks can go a long way.

Use Triggers Through Content

An advertising trigger is something that happens to someone that makes them recall your product to mind. And in 1999, nobody did a better job of triggering people to buy their beer than the Budweiser’s “Wassup?” campaign.

One of the reasons Budweiser was so successful was because it played on the social interactions we have daily. Saying “what’s up” to your friend is something most of us do every day.

The hard work is coming up with the idea, and the payoff is people spreading your idea word of mouth for free. 

Geico uses a gecko to sell insurance. Unfortunately, geckos aren’t going to trigger as effectively as a group of friends greeting each other. Whatever your trigger is, it has to be something that the potential clients can correlate your product with regularly. 

Stay Educated and Creative with Marketing

Why do some products go viral while others die? There’s deep psychology at work when it comes to selling to and attracting customers. So much of business and increasing internet traffic comes from the extra oomph and freshness in ideologies. Use these three methods to get you started on the right track.

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