5 Reasons Not to Ignore Email in Your Marketing Strategy

As the world of social media and social marketing continue to evolve, corporations desire concrete ways to reach their audiences at minimal cost and maximum profit. With all the different options out there, one has not only withstood the test of time, but smashed the competition, comparatively speaking: email. While it comes with its own set of challenges, email still remains the most cost-effective and easy-to-use marketing tool to engage with an intended audience while also driving sales. Below you will find five of the best reasons corporations should consider before actively ignoring the marketing powerhouse that is email.

It’s targeted and personal.

When it comes to a personal touch, there’s no easier method of consumer outreach than email. Modern software programs allow for corporations to tailor email campaigns to multiple groups, while still remaining on-brand. When recipients receive personalized email content, they feel as though they are appreciated.

This dynamic increases customer engagement, as well as the likelihood a customer will become a repeat shopper. With regard to consumer targeting, list segmentation takes it one step further. With list segmentation, clients can tailor every single aspect of a campaign and direct it towards multiple consumer-groups at the same time. Whether clients choose to target consumers based on demographics, age or even business size, list segmentation creates a symbiotic relationship between prospective customers and your business.

It’s cost-effective.

Instead of costly television commercials and internet ads – which rarely achieve tangible results – why not try a different approach by directly targeting your consumers with content delivered right to their inbox? Email-based marketing is not only the most effective, but also the fastest method of consumer outreach on the market. For every dollar spent on email marketing strategies, there is an astounding forty-dollar return on investment – talk about an intelligent business decision. While social media marketing comes with its own set of advantages, it relies on in-the-moment customer interaction. Customers will only find value in a post if they are sitting in front of their computer or smartphone at the precise moment you post. Email, on the other hand, has a much higher success-rate of customer engagement because it is delivered straight to their inbox to read at their convenience.

It has sheer audience volume.

Per recent studies, 3.9 billion individual email accounts exist worldwide. This number is expected to increase by an additional one billion accounts in the next year alone. With this number on the rise, doesn’t it stand to reason that vendors should factor email into their marketing strategies? Even if, for example, corporations reach only one percent of the total amount of viable email accounts, that’s still a whopping 39 million potential customers – the increased revenue potential alone is astounding. To take it one step further, combined active daily social media users, like Facebook or Twitter users, across the board amount to a mere fraction of the users who utilize email daily.

It promotes sales growth.

When it comes to the success of a business, the bottom line is that a business desires growth and increased sales year to year. That’s not a secret. How can email marketing campaigns drive new sales and foster trust with consumers? It’s simple: communication. Recent studies have shown that two-thirds of all repeat customers were convinced to return to a company because they felt valued and appreciated by the brand. This can be achieved in many ways, but the easiest solution is customer outreach through email. By using techniques like sending welcome messages, providing appointment reminders and offering exclusive content to new and repeat VIP subscribers, corporations are more successfully able to foster consumer relationships – while, hopefully turning a profit at the same time.

Email is an incredibly powerful tool – one that is more cost-effective than every marketing strategy on the market combined. It can grow your customer base, drive sales and, most importantly, improve cash flow for your business. Don’t make a costly mistake by leaving email out of your next marketing strategy.


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By Megan Wright

Megan Wright is the Chief Editor for ChamberofCommerce.com. Chamber specializes in helping small businesses grow their business on the web while facilitating the connectivity between local businesses and more than 7,000 Chambers of Commerce worldwide. As a small business expert, Megan specializes in reporting the latest business news, helpful tips and reliable resources, as well as providing small business advice. She has significant experience with the topic of small business marketing, and has spent several years exploring topics like copywriting, content marketing and social media.