The Marketing of Digital Marketing - Social Media Explorer
The Marketing of Digital Marketing
The Marketing of Digital Marketing

There are very few agencies – advertising, public relations, digital or otherwise – in the world that like their website. The case of the Cobbler’s Shoes gets everyone in the marketing business. We’re supposed to be experts at building awesome marketing campaigns, yet seldom stop to focus on building them for ourselves.

Digital marketing agencies probably have less stress about this than traditional ones. There’s certainly something to read into the situation when the firm telling you they can make your web presence pop has a web presence that just fizzles.

But if you think about it, a digital marketing agency having an incredible website and online presence is good proof to the pudding, but quite a miss for their target audience, to a degree. The companies that really need help with their websites aren’t looking to other websites to find solutions to their problem. They’re probably still looking at more traditional channels for ideas and inspiration.

Logic+Magic Magazine from LeapImagine my surprise when my friend Thomas Rasinen handed me a copy of Logic+Magic, the new magazine – yes, printed on paper and saddle-stitched and all – of Leap (formerly Leapfrog Interactive), a digital agency in Louisville. I few weeks later, I got mail – yes, using an envelope and stamps – with the latest two issues and a note from Leap – yes, using ink and paper – introducing me officially to the new magazine and inviting me to read and even jump online for more.

Leap is smart enough to know that their ideal customer isn’t the one that is going to shop for a digital marketing shop online, but one that gets their news and information and even recommendations and referrals in more traditional ways. So taking content they would (and do) position on the company blog and turning it into an uber-useful periodical is smart marketing.

And for all you smart-asses out there, no, I’m not Leap’s ideal customer. But I’m writing about them, aren’t I?

Don’t get me wrong – Leap has done and is more than equipped to do dynamite work for a company wanting to push the envelope, too. But for the older, more conservative company lacking much digital marketing savvy and likely looking to traditional channels for ideas, Leap has a leg up on its web-only competition.

Are you using all the available marketing channels that make sense to reach your audience? Or are you one of those hipster groups so stuck up you wouldn’t think of using printed paper for communications anymore? If you’re the latter, you’re probably missing out on a fair amount of business.

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About the Author

Jason Falls
Jason Falls is the founder of Social Media Explorer and one of the most notable and outspoken voices in the social media marketing industry. He is a noted marketing keynote speaker, author of two books and unapologetic bourbon aficionado. He can also be found at

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