Few brands attract my love and devotion as strongly as Life is good.
Their simple shirts, hats and other accessories have always made me smile. The vibe matches my love of the outdoors, a good dog and a kicked back approach to life.
But, today I don’t walk to talk about their clothes and instead share with you something much more important and that is the work that The Life is good Playmakers do to help kids overcome poverty, violence, and illness by using the power of joyful play to heal and strengthen children.
When you read their story about starting in 1990 as Project Joy and it growing into something larger and more powerful over the years you can’t help but be inspired. They now work with child care providers and children throughout the country.
Watch this video to discover their core values.
They’ve just announced the line up for their yearly Life is good Festival and it includes Jack Johnson, Hall & Oats, The Roots. Delta Rae and more. How many other summer music concerts do you know that have a family resource center on their site?
You can get involved in many different ways besides a simple donation. Festival goers can fundraise for special perks, you can get certified or simple buy Life is good products and a portion of all sales goes towards helping the kids.
I encourage you to visit the Life is good Playmakers page and find out more about them today. After all, it is important for each of us to protect and insure that our kids grow into happy adults.
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