The fine folks at The Realtime Report have put together a very nice guide to understanding social influence measurement tools that should be rather helpful if you’re interested in understanding and leveraging influencers in your marketing program. And the fine folks at Appinions are offering a limited supply of those reports for free. Honestly, I missed this report when it first came out, but have recently read it and am quite impressed.
Not only is it thorough and thoughtful, but even breaks the tools (like Klout, Kred, Traackr and so on) down into personal influence and contextual influence spheres. I consider myself fairly well-read on the topic and I learned a few things here.
The good news is that I think they still have a few of the free downloads of the report left. Beyond that, the report will require a payment. But if you hurry over, you can download a free one. If you don’t get there fast enough, I believe the report will be just $20, which is well worth it.
As with any other niche in the social software space, influence measurement tools are ever-changing. Getting a bit of insight into how they work and which one or ones might be best for your business is smart. Check out the report.
Editor’s Note: Appinions, the sponsor of the report, is a client of SME contributor Stephanie Schwab. She did not, however, contribute to my analysis or this post. Social Media Explorer is not affiliated with Appinions or The Realtime Report as of this writing.
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