David Finch
David Finch

One of the most natural and organic ways to generate traffic to your website is through search engine optimization or SEO. After optimizing your website via search friendly coding and content that is produced with specific keyword strategies, you’ll want to monitor how your site is performing.

If you’re at all interested in how your site and others are optimized through search, you need to download The SEO Toolbar from Aaron Wall of SEObook.com.

Yesterday, Aaron released the latest version of the SEO Toolbar and I downloaded it almost as soon as it was released. I spent the evening checking it out and think it’s definitely a tool you should consider adding to your toolbox.

When Aaron began working on the release of the latest toolbar, his motivation behind the release was driven by what he calls the complexity of SEO:

“The SEO game is getting more complex, and it is requiring more effort to keep up with the changes. More and more tools are being released. Some are worth buying, some are not. The idea of this toolbar was to put the best competitive research data and the best SEO research tools at your fingertips – free of charge.

This tool was designed to make it easier to evaluate how strong a competing website is. The SEO Toolbar pulls in many useful marketing data points to make it easy get a more holistic view of the competitive landscape of a market right from your browser. In addition to pulling in useful marketing data this toolbar also provides links to the data sources so you can dig deeper into the data.”

SEO Toolbar

In the latest release of the toolbar, the new SEO Toolbar features:

  • Google Page Rank
  • Links to the Domain
  • Page Links
  • Directory Links
  • Site Age
  • Monthly Unique
  • Estimated Traffic Value

Another very useful feature are the Competitive Research Tools. This feature allows you to monitor data from sites such as:

  • Compete.com – A site that provides competitive metrics for every site on the web.
  • Alexa.com – A site that offers information about web traffic
  • Google Trends for Websites
  • Quantcast.com – Another site that provides website statistics.
  • SEM Rush – A search marketing research tool.

One of the most incredible component of the toolbar is the ability to research keywords right from your browser. Not only are you able to research keywords, but the toolbar allows your to gather research from twelve different research tools.

There are also some additional tools within the toolbar that I found to be extremely useful. In addition to allowing you to compare the statistics up to five different websites, it also has built in:

  • Rank Checker – A tool that let’s you know where your site ranks within the search results.
  • SEO X-Ray – This tool helps you find out what the page optimization looks like.

Keep in mind that this Toolbar is a Firefox add-on. So if you don’t have Firefox you’ll need to download that first before downloading the SEO Toolbar.

Here’s the Download Link. [SEO TOOLBAR]

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