How To Develop Better Fitness Routines During Quarantine - Social Media Explorer
How To Develop Better Fitness Routines During Quarantine
How To Develop Better Fitness Routines During Quarantine

Is there a way to develop improved fitness routines during quarantine? The answer is yes! Helen Lee Schifter, a wellness expert, highly recommends working out during quarantine. Exercising each day improves health physically and mentally. When we exercise mentally, our brains can feel better, especially during our lives in isolation. Exercise can boost the immune system and mood. When many people are in isolation, they are depressed due to many things not being open. Developing workout habits can help keep a healthy lifestyle and relieve stress. No one should have the mindset that because with gyms closed due to isolation, it’s possible the habit to stay active and healthy will be out the window. What exercise works best? First, set goals! The first step is to take at least a twenty to thirty-minute walk each day. The second is to do two hours of slow aerobic movement. Someone can extend this exercise for a whole week. Aerobic movement can just be swimming in your pool, riding a bicycle, and dancing to your favorite song solo or with your mate. At home, when they want to do strength training, do it at least three times each week. Make sure it is done by never overdoing it.

First, take breaks. One would think that’s how it works. If working from home for more than six hours each day, take a fifteen to twenty-minute break from the PC or laptop by taking a short walk outside. Walk around the house or do stretching techniques until ready to go back to work. Keep small weights to move your arms and legs at your desk. Do this method at least thirty times slowly per side. Instead of constantly sitting at your work chair, stand up for five minutes. Doing this method can help to decrease the risk of neck or back pain. Get into the habit to stand while working between thirty to sixty minutes. Watching YouTube videos improves fitness and is good for the mind. If a friend just started doing yoga, there are many tips and techniques on how it is done. Yoga exercises can give someone between ten to thirty minutes for each level of practice. Doing cardio is great because many professional fitness trainers can make it fun while making sure someone is doing them properly. If someone does not have basic gym equipment, one would think that’s how it works when at home, trainers will give anyone simple, but fun substitutes to use so when family members are watching it on the computer, anyone can follow; even with cardio music.

Zoom has been very popular and beneficial when communicating with friends and family during isolation. There may be a friend or a family member that can help to work together when far away to do a workout. Even if it’s twice a week for an hour, it’s rewarding to stay communicated. Helen Lee Schifter recommends working out because it can relieve stress.

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About the Author

Mary Smith

VIP Explorer’s Club

