No doubt you’ve heard the pithy quote from Jay Baer that in order to be ultimately successful with your social media marketing, you have to, “Market your marketing.” The simple explanation is that after you’ve concerted, built and launched your product or campaign, your work is only beginning. For then is when you market your marketing!

Or, to put it somewhat differently, the social media world is not one of, “If you build it, they will come.” It’s a world where you have to build it, then tell everyone in the world about it a dozen times, then some of them will come.

Social media is a more fertile ground for customer retention than customer acquisition.

Jay’s advice is sound. Social media programs are inherently communications efforts much like advertising campaigns of the past. However, the audience here is opt-in, so unless they’re already following you, they won’t see it without significant promotional activity. Social media is a more fertile ground for customer retention than customer acquisition.

For acquisition you need to market your marketing. What does that entail? Simply put: Telling the world about what you’re doing.

Let’s say you’ve launched a new flash sale or contest on your website. While neither of those are groundbreaking news for the world, they are important nuggets of information to your audience. So perhaps you enlist all of these tactics to spread the word:

On-Site Promos

  • Home page banner/advertisement
  • Category page banner/advertisement
  • Universal sidebar promotional banner
  • Overlay/Pop-Up banner on 2nd/3rd page visit
  • Top ribbon text reminder & link

Off-Site Promos

  • Pay-per-click advertisements
  • Online media/Google Ad network media purchases
  • Facebook advertising
  • Facebook promoted post
  • Direct mail piece
  • Radio advertising
  • Television advertising
  • Outdoor advertising
  • Point-of-Sale/In-Store advertising

Public Relations

  • Trade publication outreach
  • Consumer publication outreach
  • Blogger/Influencer outreach

Community Outreach

  • Blog posts
  • Facebook posts
  • Tweets
  • Forum/Community site updates
  • Email marketing

Content Marketing

  • Infographics
  • Videos
  • Interviews
  • Podcasts
  • Public speaking opportunities

Certainly, for a flash sale or coupon discount promotion, all of these aren’t necessary, nor will they work. (Please don’t pitch me a press release about your flash sale, I won’t care.) But this list should give you a nice idea of the work you have to do once the work is done.


What else would you add? The comments are yours.

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By Jason Falls

Jason Falls is the founder of Social Media Explorer and one of the most notable and outspoken voices in the social media marketing industry. He is a noted marketing keynote speaker, author of two books and unapologetic bourbon aficionado. He can also be found at

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