Measurement geeks should ease up on the caffeine. They won’t need it for a couple days. Flickr Pro users now have access to web metrics on their images. The announcement was made this afternoon on the Flickr blog. Here’s a snapshot of my stats:

My Flickr Stats

The flat line must be prior to their crawlers added to measure. The spike for mine occurred on Nov. 26 when 216 images were viewed. Most of those (and frankly most of my total traffic) is from the images from my experiences with Robby Gordon at the Baja 1000. I’ve typed in a few racing terms in a Flickr search and I’m numbers 1-50 or so. Pretty cool.

The second most frequently visited picture of mine, though, is of me and my son Grant with his first snowman taken last year. Nice to know that’s more popular than the interior shot of Robby’s trophy truck from Baja.

Now we all get to sit around and ponder nonsensical things like, “How many is good?” “What does it mean that the image from this angle has three more comments than a similar one from another angle?” and “How can I monetize my Flickr account with all this traffic?”

Or we can just go back to uploading pictures and not worry about it.

So, what do you think? Does it matter that you know how many people see your pictures?

[tags]Flickr, web stats, statistics, metrics, measurement, images, photo[/tags]

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By Jason Falls

Jason Falls is the founder of Social Media Explorer and one of the most notable and outspoken voices in the social media marketing industry. He is a noted marketing keynote speaker, author of two books and unapologetic bourbon aficionado. He can also be found at