I’ve tried to steer clear of the social media guru conversation. I think it’s petty and short-sighted for people to moan and bitch about some up-start blogger or right-out-of-college entrepreneur type claiming to be or help make you a social media expert. No, I don’t think these people are worth the time or money and those who hire them will ultimately understand that, but elevating their existence to top of mind conversations is frivolous in my mind.
And then there’s the big reason: The companies and clients all you social media folks are trying to protect from the social media douchebags out there aren’t complaining about them. They know better than to hire someone who has no client list, no references and no proven track record. So stop whining about the blogger-gone-consultant type and do good work. I offered these thoughts on the matter when it first popped up.
Maggie Fox and her brilliant group of social media and public relations folks at Social Media Group have squeezed out another very useful resource today that helps put some distance between the “gurus” and clients. They’ve put some thought into a Social Media RFP (Request for Proposal) Template. If you’re a company or brand looking for social media help, you can use the questions posed in the template (free of charge) to help you find out the right background information about your potential consultant or agency partner.
Check out the PDF, download it and give it some thought as you entertain hiring help for your social media activity. It’s smart stuff.
Oh, and they’re also doing a webinar around the topic which you can sign up for at SocialMediaToday.com if you’re interested.
And as soon as I get around to it, I’m going to fill out the answers and post my RFP response publicly for all to see. If you’re a company or consultant offering social media, you might consider it as well.
What thoughts hit you as you read the questions posed in the template? The comments, as always, are yours.
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