I click on “Share” in Google Reader. Some magical web 2.0 wand waves and the post is automatically bookmarked on del.icio.us. I thought this should be a simple process. But when I started diving into it, I realized the Yahoo-Google competitiveness probably wouldn’t allow it. (Yahoo owns del.icio.us.) Of course, this is just big company paranoia on my part. Del.icio.us doesn’t seem to offer the ability to import bookmarks from an RSS feed, making the Google Reader shares to del.icio.us easy, so it’s really just a matter of the site’s user options.
So I tried to find a way and found a page nested in the website of Martijn Engler, apparently a Dutch programmer/developer (My apologies if this isn’t correct, Martijn. Free translation software only goes so far.), that offered the promise of solving my problem. It says:
Google Reader Shared Items To del.icio.us
“Give in your credentials below and shared items from Google Reader will automatically be posted to your del.icio.us-account everyday. They will be tagged with ‘gr2dic’, so you can easily filter them.”
The form then asks for your Google Reader shared items feed, then your del.icio.us username and password. The parent website is all in Dutch, so I wasn’t sure whether I should trust the site with my del.icio.us info. FreeTranslation.com offered some insight. It appeared to be the personal website of Engler, who seems to work for Crystal Labs. He also has a listing of where to find him on several Web 2.0 sites. So, with a little risk understood, I filled out the form and kept my fingers crossed.
Sure enough, it works. The promise is that it will post my shared items to del.icio.us each day, exactly what I was looking for.
The site is at http://digicted.nl/gr2dic/
I’ll keep an eye on the service and post updates should anything screwy happen. The only thing I don’t see as of yet is a function to unsubscribe or turn off the service. Perhaps Martijn will see this and add that feature. It appears as if his blog shares some of the thinking behind the function. If you know or have the patience to fight translations of Dutch, check it out here.
If there are any other methods to take the easy, one-click Google Reader share button and distribute those posts via any of the social bookmarking sites, please do share in the comments. If I could post to Mahalo, Digg, Mixx, StumbleUpon and del.icious all in one fail swoop, I’d be pretty pumped. Of course, Mahalo takes care of some of those and is continuing to work to add more. You can also use my pal Brendan Picha’s PostToaster.com or SocialMarker.com, but both require going into each site and tweaking the submission. They make it better, but not automatic.
Other Posts You’ll Find Interesting:
- Google Reader Shared Items Are Not Private … They Never Were
- Google Misses The Mark With Reader Shared Items
- How To Share Items In Google Reader And Still Keep Them Private
- Automatic Blog Posts With del.icio.us
- New Social Bookmarking Tool PostToaster
IMAGE: “sharing is caring” by imagesbyk2photography on Flickr.
[tags]Google Reader shared items, sharing, del.icio.us, social bookmarking, tagging, tools[/tags]
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