One of my strategies for evangelizing social media in 2010 is to speak at events outside the social media bubble. My hope is to help educate business people on the world of social media marketing and social business to widen the appeal and acceptance of what we do and help people become more efficient and effective in their jobs leveraging social tools.

I was thrilled, then, to be asked to speak at the 2010 Optimizations Summits in Dallas, Texas on March 23-24. Tami Siewruk, who can probably best be described as an enthusiastic ball of real estate and event managing magnetism, is bringing together a Who’s Who of Internet Marketing names to teach attendees that traditionally come from the real estate and multi-family housing industries. While the Optimization Summits aren’t specifically targeted at the real estate word and anyone is welcome to attend, Siewruk is a very successful real estate developer and has been engineering events like this for 25 years to help business owners of all kind leverage new tools to market their businesses.

Jason Falls - 2010 Optimization Summits

The roster of speakers to date includes John Jantsch of Duct Tape Marketing, Geno Church from Brains on Fire, John Pozadzides of real-time search start-up Woopra, Chis Boudreaux of and more. And it’s not just a typical conference. Some of the presentations are four-hour, two-part workshops. This is more than a one-hour topic deal. It’s a roll up your sleeves and learn something event.

Here’s the description of my part:

This in-depth, two-part session will equip you with a ready-to-apply, real-world approach to social media planning, including how to develop clear measures for tracking success and reporting hard and soft costs against returns on the investment.  You’ll learn how approaching social media strategically makes achieving goals and measuring success easier; how to identify and quantify the hard costs of social media marketing and properly evaluate the soft ones to determine what you get for your investment. Each participant will leave with a clearer understanding of their own goals and objectives for social media marketing and will have identified ways to measure the success of their specific efforts in the process.

Of course, Tami wanted to extend a special deal to Social Media Explorer readers, but you have to register before Jan. 29. To join us in Dallas, click on the big image above or visit the conference’s registration page. When prompted, enter the discount code “FallsVIP” and you’ll get $25 off the price. (I think that means you pay $304 instead of $329. Not bad for a two-day, intensive workshop.) And yeah, when you enter the FallsVIP code, I get an affiliate payment. If that bugs you, don’t use the code. Either way, I’d love to see you there.

If you’re in Dallas, or nearby, or know someone who is, please share this post with them and let them know some Internet marketing smarts (and Jason) are coming to see them. They should come and hang with us. And you should, too.

See you there.

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By Jason Falls

Jason Falls is the founder of Social Media Explorer and one of the most notable and outspoken voices in the social media marketing industry. He is a noted marketing keynote speaker, author of two books and unapologetic bourbon aficionado. He can also be found at

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