It’s time for another entry in the My Pitch Log Mashup series. This is a collection of the sites, services, platforms and programs I get pitched by PR folks, start-up entrepreneurs and various others that I either don’t have the time or the interest in really writing full blog posts about, but are probably somehow still interesting or useful for you.
If you’re interested in pitching me something, increase your chances and read the “How To Pitch SME” page. If you’re wondering why your pitch didn’t make it on my list, see the, “How To Pitch SME” page. If you’re still not sure, re-read the, “How To Pitch SME” page.
My Pitch Log Mashup, Vol. 5
Adds You Can Add Up … If You Wanna Drive Traffic
There’s another “get paid to blog” website out there now. allows you to publish blog posts, articles and more and get paid for doing so. They claim to pay $1.75 per 1,000 unique visits to your content. Sounds great but that means most content providers would never get paid and the ones that would are good enough at driving traffic they don’t need to make money. Nice try, but someone convince me A) This will work and B) Helium isn’t better.
IRL Races Out New Features
No, this isn’t about the Indy Racing League. IRL Connect has launched its public beta which brings all your social content together into one interface and connects you with your friends and other social contact with an interesting Google Maps mashup. Essentially, you see a map of where you are with flags representing YouTube videos, Twitter messages and more pinned to the geotarget of that user. It’s not 100-percent efficient — my geotag location was several miles away from my actual one — and it’s limited to those users signed up and logged into the system, but even in Louisville, I saw 10-12 YouTube videos and a couple of new user sign up indications. It certainly has potential.
Nationwide Is On Your … iPhone
- Shawn Morton of Nationwide and me at SXSW in March. Image by Tamar Weinberg via Flickr
It’s no secret Nationwide‘s Director of Social Media, Shawn Morton, and I are buds. He was one of the original Social Media Club Louisville advisory board members. That aside however, it’s pretty cool that Nationwide released its iPhone app last week. They are the first, to my understanding, insurance company to release a claims application for a mobile device. You can start a claim, upload photos of your accident or claim and exchange info with the other driver right from your phone. Now that’s smart. Check out more info about it here.
Toob-lar, Dude
Toobla is another new platform I learned about at South by Southwest. Brian Link, a former Digg technologist is their CTO and the concept is very cool. With Toobla you can create custom channels (essentially really big widgets with mashup content) around topics or categories and place them on your blog, Facebook page, etc. So, if you’re an ACDC fan, as seen in the Toobla tour, you can put together videos, images, music players and so on, and make a custom channel widget to use on your profiles or sites. There’s lots of aggregation going on with the on-site Toobla stuff so it’s another place to play and connect. For businesses or brands, you can use social media channels to populate your images, videos and other content, then use Toobla to unite them all into a very portable content box you can place on your website, Facebook brand page, etc. Toobla is in beta. Check it out and let them know what you like about it.
Trackle It
Trackle is a new social site in Beta that has an interesting approach. It allows you to essentially subscribe to information via email, SMS or alerts on various social networks to information you want to be notified about. Whether it’s crime reported in your area, the birthdays in your contacts list, new user-generated content posted to a social site or breaking news from CNN, Trackle allows you to get your alerts where you want them, not just via email. The service also allows bloggers to install Trackle code on their sites in case people want to subscribe to updates via Trackle. Yes, it’s essentially an RSS feed reader with a bit more options on how you’ll have the alerts delivered, but it’s at least an interesting approach to staying in tune with your topic of choice.
Related articles by Zemanta
- IRLConnect puts Twitter and Facebook on a map with live video (
- Trackle It: Offer Instant Notifications to Your Site’s Visitors (
- – Your Personalized Web Scout (
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