Let’s face it, we’re all looking for that “special” tool or application that will make our job or online experience easier and more productive. Every year there are a list of tools and services that are released to help make this happen. However, the challenge is weeding out what works and what doesn’t.
Over the past year, I’ve added some innovative tools to my social media toolbox. Here are my favorites as well as those that I continue to go back to.
My Top 5 for 2008:
1. Tweetdeck – Tweetdeck is a desktop application that allows you to take all the information that comes through Twitter and break it down into more consumable pieces. Tweetdeck will allow you to setup columns into groups, replies, search as well as a live feed.
You’ll be surprised how much your Twitter experience changes by adding Tweetdeck to your social media toolbox.
2. Twitter Search – Twitter Search allows you to keep up with all the conversations that are taking place within Twitter. Twitter Search will help you filter all the real-time information by topic, keyword or Twitter user. Twitter search works great to track replies as well as daily trends.
3. Twellow – Twellow is a Twitter search engine and search directory. Twellow is a great tool to find individuals that have similar interests. It makes it easy to find those that are involved in marketing and advertising, as well as accountants and graphic designers. One additional feature is that it lists their last “tweet” and the number of followers. If you’re building a Twitter community around your niche, this tool can be extremely beneficial.
4. Google Trends – Google Trends is one of the best tools for tracking what’s hot at the moment. It provides charts and graphs of searches as well as trends for any particular day. It works great in helping you monitor what type of content is getting the most attention.
5. Yahoo Pipes – Online Brand Protection – Yahoo Pipes is a web application that provides a user interface for building applications that aggregate web feeds, web pages, and other services. The Yahoo Pipe, Online Brand Protection works great to monitor conversations that are taking place online about your brand. Adding the RSS feed to your feed reader makes it easy to track and monitor what’s being said.
While this is definitely not everything that’s in my toolbox, these are the tools that I use on a daily basis.
What are your top social media tools? Which ones do you use on a daily basis? Leave a comment. I would love to hear what’s in your toolbox.
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