By now you know I review tools, programs and services related to social media. The ones I really like, I mention often and even devote entire blog posts to. Now I’ve run across one that I believe so passionately about, I wanted to be a part of it. As such, I must disclose that the tool I’m about to tell you about is one I have a financial stake in. Frankly, I hope that conveys the sense of urgency and importance I’ve placed on it.
LifestreamBackup.com went live recently and offers a subscription-based service to automatically archive your content from blogs, social networks and more. For just $4.95 per month (with a 30-day free trial to start), LifestreamBackup.com reaches out and downloads your Tweets, pictures, bookmarks, documents and even blog content and backs it up.
Secure your online life for less cost than a good cheeseburger.
Backing up your lifesteam is easy. Just enter your login credentials for each service you want to back up, and set your backup preferences (daily or weekly). We take it from there. You will get regular emails confirming your backups are completed, or you can turn the email settings off knowing we’ve got your back.
We presently backup Flickr, Twitter, Delicious, Basecamp, Zoho, Google Docs, Photobucket and WordPress content. YouTube and Facebook are coming soon. We will continue to add services based on user suggestions and feedback until we have covered as many as the users need.
And soon to be added to the list … full Gmail backups!
Where Did This Come From?
The inspiration for the service stems from many ideas, the least of which isn’t the sudden catastrophic disappearance of Ma.gnolia, a bookmarking site, in January. Thousands of users simply lost their bookmarks, never to be seen again. Suddenly, those handy Web 2.0 sites that kept all that data for you aren’t so reliable. What happens if your family catalog of Flickr images goes down in similar, fatal fashion? Or what if someone hacks into your account and destroys or deletes content? With daily backups, you’ll only lose information you may have uploaded since your last LifeStreamBackup.
We’ve got your back.
The plans are to not just backup the base information, but contacts as well. As we develop more refined processes, we will archive your Tweets, but also your followers. Your Facebook content will be in tact, as will your list of Friends. Some of these features are live and working, others will come soon as we work diligently to become the security blanket you need for your digital life.
Who Backs Up Our Back Ups?
Using Amazon’s Web Services, our application and data is not only secure, reliable and ensured using redundancy, but wholly scalable and not susceptible to spikes in traffic or bandwidth. AWS is an experienced, proven solution for both small and large web applications.
Of course, we also recommend that you periodically log in and download your latest back up files on your own hard drive. It’s as easy as a click and save from your archives page on the site.
How Is Jason Involved?
LifestreamBackup was the brain child of my friend, former notable business blogger and serial entrepreneur Rob May. He pitched the idea to me as something I might write about on Social Media Explorer. I immediately said, “I want to be a part of that.” We talked about how I could help, discussed the possibilities with his investors and reached an agreement for me to serve as product evangelist, a customer service interface (when necessary) and feature tester.
I will contribute to the LifestreamBackup Blog from time-to-time and help users understand the inherent and exponential value in such a small investment.
The reason I felt an immediate excitement for this product is simple. I have kids. While I do maintain digital back ups of our family photos on an external hard drive at home, I would be distraught if Flickr’s servers ever had Ma.gnolia-like issues. I also have a lot of content on a lot of blogs and services out there I can’t afford to lose because some semi-successful start-up gets sold to the wrong cat or can’t pay their hosting bills.
This is an insurance policy for my online life.
And I’m proud to offer it up as an invaluable service for you.
So, Does This Mean Jason Will Spam Us?
Absolutely not. You will see a small advertisement for LSB appear on SME soon. (We’ll eventually roll that program out and tell you how you can have one, too.) I will mention and link to the service when appropriate and in context, always with a reminder I’m involved with the service.
I will also talk about the service when speaking publicly, but only in appropriate context with the talk I am giving and, again, will full disclosure as to my involvement.
What Do I Do Now?
First, go sign up for a 30-day trial. It will be the most useful, but uneventful 30-day trial you’ve ever had. We do all the work. You just relax knowing your lifestream is taken care of. Once you set your services up, you theoretically never have to come to the site again and we’re backing you up daily or weekly.
Next, jump in the comments and let me know what you think of the site, user experience and ask any questions you might have. I will be happy to address them here, have Rob stop by to do the same or help you along with using the site.
And, please, if you have some feedback about my involvement with the service, I’d love to hear that as well. I’m passionate about this, folks. And would not recommend it to you or be involved with the service if that weren’t true.
The comments are yours. But first, take it from some third party folks:
- Lifestream Backup: Keeping A Copy Of Your Posts, Tweets, Photos And More (ReadWriteWeb)
- Lifestream Backup archives your online life (news.cnet.com)
- How To: Backup Your Tweets (WOTNews.com)
- Lifestream Backup Keeps Your Online Life For Posterity (AppScout.com)
- Ma.gnolia Suffers Major Data Loss, Site Taken Offline (Wired)
- Our Data on the Web- What if We Woke Up to Empty Shelves (danielabarbosa.blogspot.com)
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