Using Social Media for Lead Generation in Health Insurance - Social Media Explorer
Using Social Media for Lead Generation in Health Insurance
Using Social Media for Lead Generation in Health Insurance

Think about the time just ten years ago, and if at that time, someone had told you that people would promote, sell, and buy health insurance plans using social media, you would have laughed. However, today, it has become a reality. The most prominent social media platforms that are Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and LinkedIn have become one of the most famous bases for insurance sales. These platforms are capable of drawing prospective clients and also improve your renewal rate for existing clients.

In the past few years, social media has gained popularity as a gimmicky platform. However, using social media to increase sales is not only cheaper but the most effective way. Companies like memedicare are effectively using social media to connect with customers. Back in 2015, social media platforms surpassed the search engine results as a referral for traffic on the websites. Since then, it is only getting bigger, and now social media has become an integral part of everyone’s lives. The stats it can offer to the advertisers based on demographics is astonishing.

Here are a few tips which will help you in improving your health insurance policy sales via social media

It’s all about relationship building

How do you build your relationships with customers? The most common ways are to make sure they know that you are around and care. If you run into them in a supermarket, you should talk to them in a friendly tone, and if you come to know about any mishap in their family, you should send them a condolence message. The same goes for online platforms. Over social media, you should be able to interact with the customers or prospective customers on a personal level. The sales will be better if you have a bond with the person looking for a health insurance plan. Keep in mind that according to studies, almost 48% of people consider online reviews, and good reviews only come with good relationships.

Brand image should be friendly

When you are creating your official profiles on social media platforms, make sure there is uniformity on every platform. While twitter allows a small bio, Facebook will enable you to write a complete story of your brand. What you can do is to give a link to your website on Twitter and Facebook, where full details can be found. The story that you post on Facebook should have an emotional and personal touch. Also, the logo, color combination, language, and motto should be transparent and in a friendly, helpful tone. Your future customers are going to be Millennial that expect the person they are dealing with to understand them in their world. Make sure you interact in a soothing and friendly tone.

Content strategy

Content is the king, and you have to take care of the king. If you notice there is a dip in the percentage of followers reading your posts, make sure to work harder on the strategies and, if required, take the help of a professional who can create interactive content for your social media platforms. Inform people about different aspects of health insurance, if health insurance covers IVF treatments, or if natural therapies are included such as acupuncture therapies, and so on. Read this article for more details on acupuncture treatment covers.

Social media platforms can bring you the amount of business that you have never expected to get. The reach of social media is increasing every day, and if you have excellent communication skills, you can convert followers into customers in a short time.

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About the Author

Adam is an owner at Nanohydr8. He really loves comedy and satire, and the written word in general.

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