Link building has got a bad reputation, it has been abused by many cowboy SEO companies for years and if it isn’t understood and implemented properly, it can result in Google penalizing your website. The rise of content as the current SEO driving force has also seen linking building fall out of the spotlight.
Link building has been an important part of SEO since the dawn of Google. It is a process which can help drive targeted traffic to your site while at the same time building your site’s authority. By establishing relevant inbound links, you’ll improve your website’s search engine ranking and help make your site known. There are countless link building strategies available, and your SEO Company should be able to target the ones which will work best for your business.
It Isn’t Easy
Finding potential link building opportunities might seem simple, but winning the links themselves can be a challenge. You might need to spend a significant amount of time identifying and contacting a whole host of websites that could potentially become link building partners, so if you don’t have a tried and tested process it can quickly become confusing and difficult to manage.
Good SEO Companies will be able to put together a strong strategy to rapidly build your profile. Companies which use shortcuts are more likely to try and build too many links too quickly, and potentially damage your website’s reputation. Google is ever so wise (and sometimes a bit creepy) and they basically know everything you do. If you use underhand techniques such as buying links, they are likely to pick up on it quickly and you may get penalized within the SERPs, so steer clear.
Your Competition Has One
If your competition is using SEO services efficiently, they will have implemented a link building strategy. If theirs is better than yours, they are likely to rank higher than you for your chosen keywords. It is useful to research which links your competitor is using, as you are likely to be able to build a similar link profile, and even use the same websites to do so.
Directly competing for keywords is tricky, but in essence it is just about being better than your competitors, and making sure the keywords you are targeting get maximum traffic with minimum competition.
Search Engines Love Links
There is just no way that your website will survive online without appeasing search engines (and Google in particular).
Search engines like a strong and natural link profile because a link from an authoritative site acts as a vote of confidence. What they don’t like is people trying to abuse the system. Algorithm updates have cracked down on spam techniques like misusing directories and paying for guest posts with keyword rich anchor text.
It Works
Wikipedia is a prime example of a site that is successful because of links. Each page on Wikipedia links to others internally, as well as external references. People link back to Wikipedia because it can be used to find a huge wealth of knowledge and so it makes referencing very easy. Interesting content is added and updated regularly to reflect new information which keeps older pages interesting.
You won’t be able to create a link profile anywhere near as diverse as Wikipedia’s unless you’re producing a similar encyclopedia style website, but the basic principle of inbound and outbound links will apply to everyone.
Like all SEO services, link building takes time and effort; it isn’t a short time solution but a long term investment. You’ll convert more traffic if your links appear on relevant sites, so pick your link partners wisely.
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