I’m excited to let you know that Awareness and Exploring Social Media are partnering to present the Awareness Exploring Social Media Business Summit, an all-day, intensive learning event, Monday, October 17, 2011 at the Boston Marriott Burlington. Altimeter Group analyst Jeremiah Owyang, Shift Communications principal Todd Defren, OneForty.com’s Laura Fitton and a Who’s Who of digital marketing and social media marketing notables will join me in bringing you an incredible day of learning, networking and more.

Register by Sept. 17 to get the Early Bird Discount!

Content Rules authors C.C. Chapman and Ann Handley, mobile and event marketing expert Tim Hayden, Location Based Marketing For Dummies co-author Mike Schneider, Awareness’s Mike Lewis and email and social media marketing expert DJ Waldow will also speak at the Summit. We’ll also have a brand and agency case study panel that includes Christine Major from Demandware, Dave Kerpen from Likeable Media and more. The event will also include a special lunch keynote to be announced.

See these great speakers in Boston!

And all that is just $250 (No 49’s or 99’s — consider it my No Bullshit pricing!) for early bird registrations completed by Sept. 17. The full-price for all that learning is just $300! The cost includes breakfast and lunch and all attendees receive a one month free membership in ExploringSocialMedia.com, my learning community and digital marketing expertise resource.

This event will sell out. Register and reserve your spot now!

Seriously folks! An opening keynote from Jeremiah Owyang, one of the leading authorities on social business and social media … a talk on integrating social media with traditional tactics from Todd Defren, creator of the social media press release and newsroom … content marketing ideas from the authors of Content Rules … mobile wizardry from mobile mastermind Tim Hayden?

That’s just half the program!

Our first Exploring Social Media Business Summit in Toledo in May was an overwhelming success. Read some of the reviews and reaction to that event on the ESM Business Summit description page. You won’t want to miss this day!

Awareness and Exploring Social Media are excited to see you in Boston! Reserve your spot now.

Note: Some of the book links above are affiliate links. I like cheeseburgers.

SME Paid Under

By Jason Falls

Jason Falls is the founder of Social Media Explorer and one of the most notable and outspoken voices in the social media marketing industry. He is a noted marketing keynote speaker, author of two books and unapologetic bourbon aficionado. He can also be found at JasonFalls.com.

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