3 Ways Blockchain will Revolutionize the Digital Marketing Landscape

Blockchain is making significant strides in almost all industries. Though the technology was previously responsible for powering cryptocurrency exchanges, currently, the technology is making rapid inroads in almost all other sectors of the economy. Thanks to the incredible benefits it promises to offer such as security, reliability and tamper-proof way of recording transactions and exchanging data. Now, the question is: How will this new-age technology revolutionize the digital marketing landscape?  

Here I walk you through three ways this technology is going to revolutionize the digital marketing sector.   

# Blockchain’s BAT Model Pays Users for Viewing Ads  

It’s a known thing. Google and Facebook lord over the online advertising space. However, it’s advertisers who bear the brunt as they have to literally pay through their nose to get their ads published on these sites.

Users, on the other end, are not happy as well, because they find these ads intrusive and annoying.  And, more than anything else, it drains the power of their mobile batteries.

With blockchain, this situation can be turned around.

The Brave blockchain browser combined with the Basic Attention Tokens (BAT) will help break the existing monopoly. Advertisers can buy targeted ads using a BAT; while the end user gets paid a portion of the advertiser’s spend in BAT for viewing the ads.

Sure enough, Blockchain’s BAT model puts the consumer in the driver’s seat. In contrast, the present method involves capturing user info online and then bombarding the users with targeted ads.   

Further, BAT ensures that users only see the ads of their choice without marketers monitoring their viewing habits.

The best part? The advertisers can be sure of the fact that ads are reaching the right target audience, and that their marketing funds are being utilized appropriately.   

Even publishers stand to gain from both the advertisers and users. In fact, publishers tend to gain more than users from the total ad spend. They can even charge BAT for displaying premium content.      

Bottom line: Users, advertisers, and publishers will benefit from this evolving technology.  To know the latest in digital marketing tactics trends, check out GoodFirms research report.  

# Decentralized Apps to Prevent Creation of Fake accounts

Facebook has been very busy these days: Digging and deleting false accounts. If Facebook were using Blockchain ledger system, this kind of frauds could have been prevented in the first place.     

The pioneering technology could help you verify all sorts of digitally posted information and data. For instance, the Oxcert protocol’s framework enables developers to build decentralized apps (dapps) that help verify and manage the online and offline assets including ID, university degrees, original content and more on the blockchain.     

# Absolute User Control over Data

Social media platforms are known to accumulate huge amounts of personal data. Anything that’s posted, shared, or liked by the user makes its way to the home page of that particular social media platform.  But then, what do these platforms exactly do with all that information? It’s still a mystery. However, Facebook’s recent data leak incident might serve as an example as to what social media channels could actually do with all that data of yours in their pockets.    

Blockchain application platforms like Skycoin can help prevent such data leaks, as all data will be encrypted and protected. Meaning, no social platform will be able to take advantage of user data without their permission. And, it’s users who will be deciding as to who gets access to their information. What’s more, the users can even directly deal with the advertisers and charge fees for providing them with your personal data.  

To know the latest trends that are storming the social media landscape, read GoodFirms’ Research report: Social Media Usage and Trends 2018.

# Social-Media Platform Based Crowdfunding

There’s no denying that crowdfunding help startups grow. However, block-chained powered crowdfunding offers numerous benefits to startups, especially in terms of privacy and transparency. Blockchain-powered platforms used for raising funds are building to protect investor’s private details. More importantly, the information that’s run on blockchain ledgers is inevitably reliable because the transactions entered in these records are completely verified by all the participants.    

In fact, startups have raised 1.3 billion dollars via initial coin offerings, which, in a way, testifies the potential of blockchain as a crowdfunding platform.    

Wrapping Up

The blockchain technology is still in its ripening phase. People still have got their fingers crossed wondering whether the technology will actually prove to be a big wonder that technologists are claiming it to be, given that cryptocurrencies are still to find acceptance in the wider world.   

But then, all hopes are not lost. Even if a couple of blockchain applications click, it will give a big boost to the digital marketing sector, in particular, and the overall industry, at large.  

Author Bio: This is Jennifer Warren, staff writer at GoodFirms – a review and research platform for top digital marketing companies, app development companies among others. A bookworm at heart, I have successfully guest blogged for top sites such as Crazyegg, Semrush, Searchenginepeople, Sitepronews, Volusion.com, Socialnomics, jeffbullas, mediapost among others.


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