Well, we’ve made it. It is the last few weeks of the year and everyone is either on vacation physically or mentally. Not much gets done this time of year in the business world that I work in. Sometimes it’s different, last year was one of those years. I was neck deep in projects and strategy development. But this year, this year is closer to normal than last year.

Personally, I love this time of year because it is so different than the rest of the year. I usually spend my day in high gear. A lot of energy flows from me during the day and at this time of year; I like to take it down a notch (or 50). And it’s refreshing. I take the pedal off the metal. My days are not planned to the minute. I love that things slow down for the most part at work and I am able to take a minute and reflect on what has happened this year. And maybe we should all take a minute and do that. Take a day. Reflect on the year that has passed. Look at the wins. Look at the losses. Look at the places where you really rocked. See where you might have done better.

Permission granted

gratitudeThe point of this post you might be asking? Permission. I am granting everyone permission to mail it in one day before 2015 and reflect on where you were and where you are. Take some time to drink it all in. I know the clients I am privileged to work with have accomplished a lot. We have a lot to be grateful for. We worked hard (most days) and made a difference. And where we didn’t, it’s ok to admit that you didn’t and find ways to make a difference this year.

Take it all in

Take some time to soak it all in. Ferris was right. Life does moves pretty fast, if you don’t stop and look around once and a while, you could miss it. We all move really fast. We’re busy and should probably be less busy. We’re trying to do the right thing at work for our customers and our company. And now, we are gearing up to do it all again in 2015. What could you optimize from 2014 to get more in 2015? I know what mine are, but for the love of Pete, take a day to think about it. Mail it in for a day. Think about it all and make some decisions. And then write it all down. Write down your goals. Document what you want to do this year. Make a note on how you rocked 2014 and what you’ll do to replicate the successes and optimize the slip-ups.

Be grateful

On my desk sits a gratitude jar. Whenever something amazing happens, I write it down and put it in my jar. I usually go through the jar when I am mailing it in. And I can say that 2014 has been incredibly kind to me in a myriad of ways. First, my employer, SME Digital. Jay and Nichole Kelly rock my whole world. This is by far the best place I’ve worked. My clients are amazing and challenge me in new and exciting ways all the time. My teammates who inspire me to do better every single day. People who attended webinars I gave and stumped me. My family. People who took a chance on CredHive. Anyone who reads this blog and takes the time to share it or comment. So. Much. Amazing. And it fuels me to do more in 2015. I am beyond grateful for all of the opportunities that sit in front of me everyday. And for that reason alone, you all need to mail it in just once this year.

Go on git.

SME Paid Under

By Tracey Parsons

Since 1995, Tracey has been developing digital solutions. Currently SME Digital’s lead strategist, she continues to be dedicated to bringing cutting edge, thoughtful and measurable solutions to marketers. With more than 15 years in digital, Tracey not only brings vision, but the tools and strategies to execute against complex next generation concepts. She has worked with some of the world’s most recognized brands to develop and devise cutting-edge social, mobile and digital marketing practices.

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