Digital Nomad Productivity Tips - Social Media Explorer
Digital Nomad Productivity Tips
Digital Nomad Productivity Tips

Being a digital nomad is one of the greatest lifestyles out there, and you wouldn’t change it for the world. What other job means that you don’t have a long commute and the stress of working in an office? What other career gives you the freedom to live wherever you want, and to work hours that work for you, so that you have time to balance exploring the world with your job responsibilities? It’s an amazing situation to be in, but that doesn’t mean that it doesn’t have its share of problems. And one of these most common problems is that, sometimes, it’s easy to feel unproductive.

If you’ve been feeling unproductive recently, like you can’t get your projects completed or stick to your deadlines, it’s a frustrating feeling. After all, the ability to work when you need to is a huge part of your job. Luckily, by reading up on these productivity tips, you can get back to your usual productive self.

Schedule work times

If you’re traveling a lot, with a schedule that’s constantly changing, your work habits can suffer as a result. After all, if there are constant distractions around you, like an exciting tourist attraction you’ve been dying to see, or new friends you’ve made at your co-working space, the last thing you can think about is work. And when you sit down at your computer, whether you’re a blogger or web designer, it’s hard to concentrate.

That’s why it’s so important to schedule work times. Before you head off to your next destination, choose specific hours each day of the week—based on your workload—that are solely dedicated to working. That way, you’re mentally preparing in advance, and won’t feel like you’re giving up other potential plans by working.

Considering that 43 percent of employed Americans spent at least some time working remotely in 2016, you can always find some sample schedules online to follow.

Give yourself days off

In the same vein, you need to give yourself free time. If you don’t have time for it, then it’s probably a better idea to cancel a trip entirely. The last thing you want is to be in a new country or city, working for hours and wishing that you were doing something else. But if you do have time for a couple of days off while you’re traveling, give yourself that luxury. Spend a day exploring by going on a walking tour or visiting a museum. Spend another day relaxing, giving yourself a personal day.

That way, when you sit down to work, you won’t feel burned out. Instead, you’ll feel refreshed and ready to work. Considering that, in the UK, 74 percent of people felt so stressed in 2018 that they felt overwhelmed and unable to cope, it’s worth taking the time to slow down and treat yourself well.

Block social media and distracting websites

If you aren’t blocking social media when you’re working and putting your phone on airplane mode to keep yourself from being distracted, then it’s time for you to start. This is something you should already be doing, but we’ve put it on this list because we know how addictive platforms like Facebook and Instagram can be. If your digital nomad job is in any way related to social media, this can be a good thing for your business but not the greatest thing for you!

If you can’t block these distractions with your own free will, use technology instead. There are plenty of apps out there to help you, SelfControl and Freedom.

In the second quarter of 2018, 1.47 billion active users visited Facebook on a daily basis. It’s not your fault if you have an addiction, but you need to do something about it!

Work with other nomads

Finally, another great way to get motivated is by working with other digital nomads. If everyone around you is typing away at their laptops, taking advantage of the great wifi at a co-working space or popular expat cafe, you’ll feel like typing away, too. Solidarity can be a powerful tool, and besides—you might even make some work connections, which is quite useful in a career where you’re often spending so much time alone.

70 percent of people working in coworking spaces reported that they felt healthier there than in an ordinary office setting, so it’s a great idea if you haven’t tried it out already. Whether you’re working for yourself or a marketing company like 180Fusion, the benefits are huge.

These are some of the best ways to say productive as a digital nomad, no matter where you are. What other strategies work for you?

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About the Author

Adam Helweh
Adam is CEO of Secret Sushi Creative Inc, a strategic design, digital and social media marketing agency. He specializes in the convergence of design and technology to provide businesses with more intelligent and interactive ways to connect with customers and grow. His clients have included Edelman, Broadcom, Stanford Federal Credit Union, the Thomas Keller Restaurant Group, Bunchball and others. He's also the co-host of the "SoLoMo Show", a weekly digital marketing podcast, and he has shared the stage with professionals from companies including Facebook, Virgin Airlines, Paypal, Dell and 24 Hour Fitness.

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