Frankie Quiroz Suggests 4 Tricks to Spice Up Your Instagram Story - Social Media Explorer
Frankie Quiroz Suggests 4 Tricks to Spice Up Your Instagram Story
Frankie Quiroz Suggests 4 Tricks to Spice Up Your Instagram Story

Don’t you feel excited when your new Instagram story gets more views and comments than your previous one? That means your followers enjoyed the story. Wouldn’t you want to upload a similar post that receives even better views and comments the next time? 

Now think of this tactic from your company’s perspective. The more people view and share your posts, the more followers they attract from their network. But how will you ensure that your company’s Instagram posts will generate more followers? Here’s what Frankie Quiroz, the co-founder of an online automotive apparel company, Tuned in Tokyo, has to say about making your Instagram stories attractive for your viewers.

1. Make followers a part of your Instagram story

Your Instagram followers would want to like and comment on your story if they can connect with it. For this, you need to make them a part of your story. Frankie’s clothing brand has more than 1.5 million followers. Whenever he posts anything from his company’s page, he makes sure to link them with the audience. From thanking your followers to telling them to swipe up to find more details about your brand, you can try different techniques to keep everyone engaged in your story.

2. Schedule your posts

In his pursuit to promote his brand on Instagram, Frankie noticed that his followers responded more to posts that he uploaded after 8 pm. After testing this technique over a few years, Frankie came to the conclusion that it is crucial to schedule your posts based on the time when most of your followers are online. 

8 pm usually means everyone is back from work. They now have enough time to check their social media profiles. If you upload your story at 2 pm, you may not get as many views as you expect. Remember that you need to figure out the best time to upload depending on your target demographic.

3. Use call-to-action

The ultimate objective of your company’s Instagram stories is to convert viewers into customers. Frankie’s apparel company made more than $5 million only by promoting his business on social media. He suggests that you should approach this platform by compelling your followers to visit your website and check out your products. The easiest way to do it is by using the swipe-up feature. Your story may contain engaging content that leaves your followers wanting for more. Tell them they can explore more about your brand by swiping up which will take them to your company’s website. 

4. Provide relatable content

Instagram stories disappear after 24 hours. But what you post should stay in the minds of the viewers for a long time. Frankie always posts content focusing on the “want” factor of his followers. He wants them to feel what they are missing out by not purchasing outfits from his brand. Similarly, you need to find out the factor that will connect with your audience the most. Once you get an answer, you can develop relatable content to upload in your Instagram stories.  Now that you know some of the best tricks to make your Instagram stories catchy, try them out to increase your company’s sales volume. If you follow the footsteps of Frankie, you might be surprised by the number of customers you can generate from Instagram Story.

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About the Author

Annika Bansal
Annika is a Senior Editor at Social Media Explorer. She travels full time and has lived on the road working remotely for over two years. You can check out her Instagram to follow her on the road.

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