In 2020, These Are The Trends That Will Impact Social Media Advertising In A Big Way - Social Media Explorer
In 2020, These Are The Trends That Will Impact Social Media Advertising In A Big Way
In 2020, These Are The Trends That Will Impact Social Media Advertising In A Big Way

We all know how powerful social media marketing can be for businesses of all sizes, be it through creating brand advocates, driving leads and sales, or connecting and engaging with audiences in new and novel ways. More businesses than ever are therefore hiring social media marketing agencies and deploying social media technology in a bid to increase their reach, connect with audiences and add measurable value to their digital strategy. For example, customer review software is one novel technology that can help invite social media reviews from customers to boost brand reputation. Another example is software that helps manage multiple social media accounts at once – which is of rising importance as new social media platforms take off.

In 2020, these are the social media trends that social media advertising experts will need to take heed of, in order to further their client’s digital marketing initiatives and deliver real value for money. 

#1 Get Onboard With Ephemeral Content 

As an expert in the field, you would no doubt already be familiar with ephemeral content, which is content that is only available only for a short duration before it disappears. Take Instagram stories, and Snapchat, as the perfect example. Ephemeral content is a highly effective way of boosting brand loyalty and making followers feel as though they are being engaged with on a more intimate level. This matters, because studies show that 86 percent of digital users crave authenticity above all else. As a result, this type of content is recognised as one of the most successful methods of attracting viewers and audiences. Short, engaging, and ‘humanised’, these short-lived mini-marketing campaigns are the way of the future, so you would be well-advised to get on board with it. 

#2 The Continued Rise of the Micro-Influencer

As opposed to macro-influencers like Kylie Jenner, whose followers equate to roughly 25 million and who charges roughly $1 million for posting branded content, micro-influencers are those with smaller but dedicated followings on social media. They may have been 10,000 and 60,000 followers on Instagram or Facebook, and they have the capacity to drive targeted content for businesses while appears “human” and connecting directly to their relatively-small-in-comparison-to-macro-influencers following. Perhaps their most valuable asset is that they have carefully cultivated niche audiences, across either health and wellness, fashion, beauty, travel or sport, and this enables brands to target very specific content (for a fraction of the price of that of macro-influencers) to  audiences via a micro-influencer. 

#3 Embracing LinkedIn’s New Capabilities

LinkedIn have finally realised they are THE only contenders when it comes to employment-seeking and career development, and so they are constantly innovating to ensure that no one else stands a chance. With new features including hashtag relevance, tools for marketers to better use the platform, and employee advocacy tools on company pages, LinkedIn is making it easier than ever for companies and businesses to market and advertise themselves, their products and their company ethos on the platform – making it a brilliant place to target social media advertising in 2020. While a LinkedIn advertising campaign still costs upward of $10 in minimal daily budget, it is rapidly gaining ground as a key element of the digital advertising mix, mostly due to the strength of its high value audience and its unrivaled targeting options for each marketing goal.

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About the Author

Adam is an owner at Nanohydr8. He really loves comedy and satire, and the written word in general.

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