The Rise Of The Powerful Social Media Influencers - Social Media Explorer
The Rise Of The Powerful Social Media Influencers
The Rise Of The Powerful Social Media Influencers

Thanks to the
power of social media now, we have a bunch of people enjoying the
celebrity-like aura. The rise of social media stardom is a 21st-century
phenomenon that began with social media replacing the formal media. What merely
started as a simple imitation of celebrities is no longer limited only to celeb
like attention but has gone beyond that. The social media stars are now holding
a much more important place as social media influencers.

What is the secret behind the popularity of social
media influencers?

  • The social media stars are less like idols that are distant
    and detached and more like role models who actually influence people. They shed
    the celeb-like vibe, and people can actually relate to them.
  • They are trendsetters, but these can be generally adopted
    by all.
  • Their stardom is widespread, and they typically have a dedicated audience.
  • It is easier for people to connect with them as the
    influencers make an effort to have regular and direct communication with their followers.
  • The followers are introduced to the latest trends.
  • As people are more inclined towards using social media,
    they can connect better with social media influencers than celebrities.
  • Influencers are better appreciated by the audience than
    paid celebrities and advertisements as they come across more genuine.

The rise of powerful social media influencers

  • Brand endorsement – the business giants have quickly recognized the power of these social media influencers. Most companies now rely more on social media influencers to endorse their brands. They find new faces to promote the brand and spread the image. The fact that today’s generation connects better with them makes them a popular choice for carrying the brand’s image.
  •  Promotion of new products in the market – the aim of the brands is addressing the target audience faster and in an effective manner. This is the reason influencers are selected for promoting products that come new in the market. They are believed to create a demand for the product, especially in teens. It has been proven through surveys that most of the loyal followers of these influencers are the teenagers who spend more time in social media.
  • Digital marketing – the importance of media in business expansion cannot be negated. The media influencers make this work easier. When big brands are choosing social media influencers to promote their, brand they are accessing the digital platform.
  • Smart leaders – social media influencers have the power to draw the attention of thousands. The reason is simple. They engage in meaningful conversations with their followers and are mostly within the reach of those who want to communicate and seek help. They are the smart next-gen leaders.
  • Uniqueness – another reason for the popularity of social media influencers is their creativity. They use their exclusive style to promote the product keeping the vision of the brand intact. They blend their unique charm to provide freshness to the promotion.

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About the Author

David van der Ende is a full-time blogger and part-time graphic design enthusiast. He loves to write about a broad range of topics, but his professional background in both legal and finance drives him to write on these two subjects most frequently.

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