Stats to Know on Social Media Influencer Marketing - Social Media Explorer
Stats to Know on Social Media Influencer Marketing
Stats to Know on Social Media Influencer Marketing

Social media influencers include celebrities, bloggers, YouTubers, and everything in between. Influencer marketing has taken the digital marketing world by storm with certain influencers having an incredible reach to specific niche markets. The challenges of influencer marketing can be tough to overcome with 67 percent of companies citing finding a relevant influencer as their largest challenge. This has given rise to platforms that help connect brands and influencers as influencer identification plus outreach can be a full-time job in itself. Over 80 percent of marketers used influencer marketing in 2017 with that number only growing over the last few years. 

7 out of 10 marketers believe that a continued relationship between an influencer and brand will yield the best results. A consistent message of an influencer can help drive sales especially if their followers trust them. Trust is created through genuine content, recommendations, and engagement with followers. An influencer that promotes less than quality products will surely lose the trust of their followers quite quickly. 

Travel brands have found a great market with travel influencers promoting products or attractions. Instagram is a perfect platform for this but a majority of travel influencers also have a blog, YouTube Channel, and possibly a podcast. The importance of a brand asking an influencer for data on past campaigns cannot be understated. The last thing that any brand wants to do is partner with an expensive influencer with fake followers that offers little to no ROI. 

Influencer marketing is going to continue to shape the way brands target customers. The rise of the influencer with a moderate following has been immense. These influencers tend to have a far better ROI than that of a huge influencer with millions of followers. The next step is to create content with the influencer that aligns with their brand and promotes yours in a natural way!

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About the Author

Annika Bansal
Annika is a Senior Editor at Social Media Explorer. She travels full time and has lived on the road working remotely for over two years. You can check out her Instagram to follow her on the road.

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