All’s fair when it comes to growing your business. For consistent development, you should use a multichannel approach. And SMS (Short Messaging Service, a.k.a. “texting”) might just be one of the most effective emerging channels.
Consider that prospects who receive text messages from businesses convert at a rate 40% higher than those who don’t. Moreover, 64% of consumers are open to receiving SMSs from companies and think that companies should send them more texts than they do at the moment.
With those numbers in mind, why not use texting for promotion? You can notify clients about discounts and loyalty programs, let them know about new stores you’ve opened or new product lines you’ve launched.
Texts can also be used to attract new clients, provide customer support, book appointments, and much, much more. Need some more ideas about how to use texts in your business? Take a look at the infographic below.
Infographic courtesy of TextMagic. Republished with permission.
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