Many companies and industries have thrived with the benefits that came with digital innovations. However, some perished as a result of these same innovations. Chief Revenue Officer of The New York Times, Meredith Kopit Levien, noticed the newsprint industry being challenged by digital content – after all, news itself had been disrupted by the ubiquity of the Internet. When the news became the news, Kopit Levien’s challenge was to remind people not only why real journalism but also how it’s made. She needed to show – not tell – people the resources, commitment, and expertise it took to deliver the truth.

You may not be in the newsprint industry, but the truth is that any industry can be disrupted by a new innovation. As both an innovator and champion of native advertising, Kopit Levien shares three important things that marketers these days may overlook.

To hear more about The Truth Campaign, and how to adapt to digital disruptions in industries, check out the latest podcast with guest, Meredith Kopit Levien, Chief Revenue Officer at The New York Times.

1. Don’t depend on your legacy status

These days, it isn’t enough to be “up to date” with whatever the latest tech is. New innovations are being planned and developed on a daily basis, and you can’t afford to wait until your industry is disrupted to react. Plan ahead, always be thinking of great stories to tell. Don’t assume that your brand’s legacy will save you. Need proof? Ever hear of Borders?

2. Bet on the model, not the mission

It’s one thing to change your business model to stay relevant. The one thing that shouldn’t change? Your core mission. Kopit Levien explained that The New York Times will always evolve to current consumption practices, but they will never compromise on their core mission. In case your wondering what that is, they built their entire Truth Campaign around it.

3. Content over frequency

Publishing frequency is no longer the key to engaging your audiences. Social media and technology is ubiquitous these days, so customers have the luxury of being picky. The best way to cut through the noise is to publish something great that will really resonate with your customers.

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By Magda Lewandowska

Magda is a graduate intern at Renegade, LLC, a social-inspired marketing agency. She has a Bachelor of Science in Applied Psychology, and is currently studying Consumer Behavior at NYU. Her interests include psychology, social media, and digital marketing.

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