Why You Should Market Your Small Business on LinkedIn - Social Media Explorer
Why You Should Market Your Small Business on LinkedIn
Why You Should Market Your Small Business on LinkedIn

With over 400 million users and a network of CEOs averaging about 930 connections each, LinkedIn has become the premier business social networking website. However, while these specific insights indicate why LinkedIn marketing should be important to you, it’s the ways in which LinkedIn can benefit a small business that will ultimately convince you to include the platform in your marketing strategy.

According to Inc. contributor Janine Popick, the CMO of Dasheroo and founder of VerticalResponse, successfully marketing a small business on LinkedIn is more than possible—it provides small business owners with scalable rewards. For Popick, LinkedIn marketing is about directly engaging with your professional network. In other words, you should accept invitations from legitimate people, reply to inMails (LinkedIn’s internal email platform), and reach out and connect with those people in your industry that you should get to know. Another benefit of adding LinkedIn to your marketing strategy is free advertising, which you can access by simply joining a group and sharing content. Talk about content marketing!

For a detailed list of reasons why LinkedIn should be on your radar, check out the full article on .

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About the Author

Don Power
Don Power is a Director of Content Marketing. When it comes to content marketing, Don's been the Cyrano for a variety of organizations and delivered The King’s Speech himself as a professional speaker across North America. Don extends an open invitation to connect on LinkedIn or Twitter.

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