Top 5 Tips For Managing Your Social Media Profiles While On Vacation

Going on holiday is supposed to be fun, yet many of us worry about how we will manage our beloved social media profiles whilst on holiday. There’s no need to fear, though. There are countless ways you can make managing your social media profiles whilst on holiday much easier and far less stressful, unlike renewing your EHIC. Luckily, there are effective solutions to both of your problems. Websites such as make renewing your EHIC a whole lot easier and you can schedule content on the likes of Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn using advanced social media management tools so your online presence doesn’t go amiss. For even more smart ideas on how to manage your social media profiles whilst on holiday, continue reading!

1. Schedule Content

Before you make the decision of managing social channels manually while away, we suggest scheduling your posts in advance. Whilst scheduling your posts in bulk for the week, or two, that you are away for may take some time, it’s a great way to ensure your online presence isn’t forgotten, and you’ll thank yourself when you lack proper internet connection abroad. When you schedule content, you can decide exactly what content is posted on what social channel, whether it is Facebook, Twitter, Instagram or even LinkedIn, and can set a specific time to ensure you don’t miss your optimum posting time according to follower activity.

2. Avoid Posting Controversial Content

Scheduling content is all fun and games, just like being on holiday. Nevertheless, you should have some method behind your scheduled content, including leaving those posts that could be viewed as controversial until you get home. Whilst most of the time, controversial content goes unnoticed, it only takes one person to flag it and before you know it, you have an army of angry followers behind you. You might be on holiday, but you can’t hide! To successfully manage your social media profiles whilst on holiday, play it safe!

3. Maintain Follower Activity

On holiday, it can be difficult to track your new social media followers, but it doesn’t have to be! There are several tools you can use to keep track of new followers from the poolside. As well as tracking new followers, ensuring your followers remain active whilst on holiday is just as crucial. Followers that fail to interact with your content within 30 days are considered to be inactive, and you certainly don’t want to lack engagement! After all, it is your followers who determine the success of your social media profiles.

4. Hootlet

Hootlet is a fantastic tool for those who want to manage their social media profiles whilst on holiday – without the fuss! In short, the Hootlet tool enables users to integrate their social media within their regular browsing experience, allowing them to easily share content without leaving the page! Not only can users share targeted content found on the web, but they can post to multiple social media profiles, including Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram, Google, Yelp and YouTube at the click of a button.

5. Be Honest

If you feel as though managing your social media profiles whilst on holiday simply isn’t feasible, be honest. After all, honesty is the best policy and everyone deserves a break now and then! To completely unplug from the internet, make your followers aware about your plan to go on holiday, as well as how long they can expect you to be gone for. This way, you won’t feel guilty about relaxing under a parasol in the sun, and you can thoroughly enjoy your time abroad without worrying about what’s happening online.

Managing your social media profiles whilst on holiday doesn’t have to be difficult, nor does it need to be a stressful occasion. There are so many ways you can keep track of your social profiles without losing invaluable time with your family or friends in the sun. From being upfront with your followers about the time you plan to spend logged out to scheduling content in advance, we say you should take a well-deserved break! Our top tips have got you covered.

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By Damien Troy

Damien Troy is an experienced and notable author, who loves taking on new challenges and writing across a huge range of topics -channeling his personal experience and expertise. When Troy isn’t tapping away at his keyboard, creating his latest masterpiece, he can be found exploring new countries and cultures or burying his head in a good book.

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