The more I talk to people about how they implement digital marketing the more I get frustrated. I’ve said before, “This ain’t rocket surgery.” In fact, I had a week-long argument with my editors over whether or not that was the proper expression. I told them it was a joke that combined two expressions. They were so caught up in being accurate they missed the joke part. But I digress.

But what I’ve seen lately is an obsession with Facebook’s Edgerank the likes of which was only matched by everyone’s obsession with gaming Google’s search algorithm — an obsession which still exists. I’ve also seen people making a big, unneccessary fuss out of influencer marketing, retail sales and all sorts of other tactical executions in digital marketing. They’re making it too complicated sometimes.

KISS Method of Digital MarketingSo tomorrow, I’ll present a new line of thinking in a webinar with NetBase. It will focus on the K.I.S.S. method of social media marketing — Keep It Simple, Stupid — which is a lesson I learned from my ninth grade English teacher that I apply to as much as possible in my life today. Now, NetBase had some fun with the title and has plastered my face all over the Internet painted up as Gene Simmons. While I won’t be linking digital marketing to the rock band KISS, I do have a KISS-oriented surprise for everyone to comes.

So jump over to NetBase and register for the webinar. I’m excited to share these ideas with you and get your feedback. It’s a line of thinking that I believe will be a major focus for me in the coming months. Because it needs to be heard.

Register at NetBase. And I’ll see you tomorrow.

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By Jason Falls

Jason Falls is the founder of Social Media Explorer and one of the most notable and outspoken voices in the social media marketing industry. He is a noted marketing keynote speaker, author of two books and unapologetic bourbon aficionado. He can also be found at