The Phone Repair Economy: Time to Fix Your Phone
The Phone Repair Economy: Time to Fix Your Phone
The Phone Repair Economy: Time to Fix Your Phone

Let’s face it: you probably spend more time with your smartphone than pretty much anyone in your life. It is likely and unfortunately one of the first things you see in the morning and one of the last things you see when you go to bed. That said, many of us have an impulse to always get the latest and greatest smartphone, but is this the wisest investment after all? Chances are, this is not the case. Let’s explore the phone repair economy.

Smartphones over the last several years have been getting more reliable and have a longer replacement life. In 2019, the average American was replacing their phone after 33 months – this is a significant improvement over 23 months from 2016. In this same timeframe, smartphone prices have risen by 52%, quite a financial deterrent for many.

Before considering replacing your phone, you might want to consider repairing the one that you have first. There are many services that can make quick work of fixing your existing phone quickly and in a cost effective manner. Most common issues are fairly trivial, such as a broken screen. In America, two screens are broken every second, so you are in good company when these issues happen to you.

For getting tempted by the latest trade-in deal, considering the costs and that your existing phone is probably good enough to satisfy your day today needs. Learn more about the phone repair economy, which at this moment is over a $4 billion market, in the visual deep dive below:

A Look at the Phone Repair Economy

SME Paid Under

VIP Explorer’s Club

