8 Facebook Marketing Tips To Put Your SMB On SARMs - Social Media Explorer
8 Facebook Marketing Tips To Put Your SMB On SARMs
8 Facebook Marketing Tips To Put Your SMB On SARMs

If you have any marketing savvy at all in today’s tech-driven world, you know that it’s essential to have a social media presence, and Facebook is the king. But are you getting as much out of your social media marketing strategy as you should be? All too often we see businesses that simply create a page and then practically abandon it, as if they think of it as some big electronic billboard that passersby on the cyber-highway will notice and be drawn to their site to buy their product or service. Unlike traditional advertising, Facebook offers businesses the opportunity to actively engage potential customers on an ongoing basis and add value to their experience. But social media marketing has its own set of rules. Here are eight tips to more effective Facebook marketing.

  1. Dazzle them with a fantastic looking Facebook page. There are thousands of different cover photos, layouts, widgets, and apps designed for FB, making it easy to create a page that’s attractive, functional, and showcases your business the way you want it to.
  2. Amaze them with information and knowledge. Share tips and information about your products or services to add value to your page and keep them coming back for more. Make sure to keep your page current with the latest news from your business.
  3. Entice them to visit and ‘like’ your page. Make sure a link to the page is prominently displayed on your main site. A simple, easily installed widget will let them like your page with one click. Place a link at the bottom of your emails, on your signs, flyers and print ads.
  4. Attract them with gifts, bonuses, and special offers. Appeal to their greedy nature by giving them something in return for liking your page, and bring them back to check for special promotions.
  5. Work with Facebook for success. Facebook for Business has lots of resources for business pages. They can help you beef up your marketing like it was on steroids, like my source for high quality SARMs.
  6. Fascinate them with a great profile. This is your chance to tell your story. People love to read about how a business rose to success.
  7. Flatter your customers by asking them what they think. Solicit their opinion on how to improve your product, services, and your Facebook page. Make them feel like a partner.
  8. Impress them with your personal involvement. Take the time to show up to chat and answer questions. People love to see the owner take an active interest in what they say, and know that they have a place where the owner him or herself cares about their concerns, complaints, and compliments.

Facebook is a powerful platform for marketing your business when used effectively. Wow them with your awesome Facebook presence. You can be sure your competitors are trying to.

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About the Author

David van der Ende is a full-time blogger and part-time graphic design enthusiast. He loves to write about a broad range of topics, but his professional background in both legal and finance drives him to write on these two subjects most frequently.

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