Analyze all the various channels of marketing and you’ll typically find one thing ties them all together: Content. Content marketing lies at the core of any good marketing effort, not just social media marketing effort. Understand how to build content marketing strategies and you’ll be 10 legs up on most people out there calling themselves “marketers.”
I’m honored to have been asked back by MarketingProfs to participate in their Content Marketing Crash Course. It’s a series of webinars, conducted live through the month of October but recorded for easy access whenever you need them that covers the how and why of content marketing. Instructors include Ann Handley, Nancy Duarte, Jay Baer, Mack Collier, Joe Pulizzi, Joe Chernov, Stephanie Tilton, Ardath Albee, CK Kerley, Paul Gillin and more. Through the crash course, you get access to them live to ask questions and dive deep into the world of content marketing.
These webinars will make you a better marker.
Because of the sheer volume and quality of the content, the price is $595. BUT WAIT! They’ve given me a discount code to pass on to you that will cut $200 off!
Register for the Content Marketing Crash Course and use the discount code SMEXPLORER to save $200! That’s pretty spectacular if you ask me.
Each class airs live (see dates and times on the information page) and is recorded during the broadcast. Participate whenever it works best for your schedule. You can watch (and re-watch) the classes at your convenience through October 2012. For each class, students have access to the class lecture and Q&A (streaming media), as well as several support materials: the slide deck (PDF), the audio track (MP3) (so you can listen to the lectures on other devices), a transcript (PDF), and a “cheat sheet” (PDF). Once you view all of the classes, you can even download a Certificate of Completion (PDF). As part of the course, you’ll also get access to MarketingProfs course-exclusive Facebook group to network and share your own questions and insights with fellow MPU students, staff, and instructors.
Registrants will also get a copy of Ann Handley and C.C. Chapman’s book Content Rules, the MarketingProfs How-To Guide for Content called Content Machine and access to the MarketingProfs PRO Seminar, “How to rapidly grow your business by NOT marketing.” Awesome value here!
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